Tuesday 5 April 2016

Family Violence is not okay...!

Family Violence is not okay...!

I am re-posting this blog - which I wrote a few months ago - it is such an important issue that we all need to be aware of and is not okay to have happen to either yourself, your children, a family member, friend, colleague, stranger in fact it is not okay for anyone to suffer from any sort of violence - mental, physical, spiritually...

but first read this very sad and tragic true happening...

A young lady jumped off a cliff with her young child, to their deaths just a few days ago. The reason being that she could not cope any longer from the violence that she was being dealt with in her relationship.   

She probably thought that this was the only way out of her situation!
But if only she had stepped back a moment and realized that yes there are people who care and are there to help...

If you yourself are the recipient of family violence make a CHOICE, right now, to step out from the blackness of hurt, pain, power and control.
Yes... it will be hard to step away and seek help but for your own sake (and if you have children their sake as well) CONSIDER your options...
STAY and be brutalized both physically and mentally...
STAY and your life could be over...
STAY and the ripple effect will be enormous for all those involved but -
LEAVE and seek support (there are many organizations who are there to help)...
LEAVE and find out who you deserve to be...
LEAVE and be free...
Do not let FEAR of 'what might happen' or GUILT keep you in a situation that is WRONG and will eventually destroy your physical and mental self and your SOUL
Because VIOLENCE is always a POWER game involving:-
fear, guilt, bullying, ownership and CONTROL!
Do not be part of this as you are worth far more!
Relationships = respect
Relationships = no set roles or rules
Relationships = communication
Relationships = listening
Relationships = working together
Relationships = NO physical PRESSURE but equal CHOICES
Relationships = honesty and truth 
Relationships = kindness, caring and consideration
In total - Relationships = EQUALITY and,

the one word that sums up just what a relationship is,
and it is the best word, is... LOVE!

Stop for a minute and have a thought for all those women and children (and yes there are men too) who are the recipient of violence within their family.

We all have a longing to belong, realize our purpose and, worth...
 but for this to come to fruition we must first...
love and respect ourselves and...
 be loved and respected by others!


My first inspirational book - 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey', (Published in 2016) is available through Balboa Press:-
and Amazon

inspirational blog – RuAnCa   http://ruanca.blogspot.co.nz
and have the following:-
My Tumblr page - http://ruanca.tumblr.com/
My inspirational facebook page - www.facebook.com/ruthannecaukwell
World Wide Branding – VIP member - http://www.worldwidebranding.com/Ruth%20Anne-Caukwell
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