Sunday 3 April 2016

Are You a Damaged Soul?

Are You a Damaged Soul?

Have you been hurt by someone or something?
Are you in turmoil and pain?

Have you been...
- abused physically, emotionally or... both
- bullied... on-line or face-to-face?

Do you feel alone and helpless as....
- you love someone and they do not love you back
- your relationship is in tatters
- you have lost a loved one... a job... a house... money....
- you are suffering an illness?

Is your SOUL hurting so much that you feel you will never recover?
Do you feel that you will never be the same?

Do you walk in a crowd and feel apart.... almost as if you are not there, as people are staring straight through you?

Do you smile and just go through life's motions wearing a MASK to cover your real self up!

If you do...

Do not feel hopeless and afraid as...
you will find an inner strenght, inner peace if you just look for it!


"I do not have the courage... the strength"
"I am all alone... I am frightened... I do not know what to do?"
"My hear is broken and my soul despairing!"

Yes... life can be hard... it can be unfair... it can seem worthless!

But... think about it!
Life is unceasing.... 
Life does go on....
Life is full of ripples, ripples of an event, a person, a dream thus that means that.... 
Life is everyone...
Life is YOU!

SO... understand the importance of the now, 
this DAY... HOUR... SECOND... this moment!
Understand that the now is so important as your now is about to become your future and...
your past!

So... let go and look to the next day...hour...second...moment as they will in turn become your future and your past!

Move past the moment and look towards the next and the next!
Live in hope and do not let it go as hope gives you the strength to move on and to know that life will be...
 worth living!

So... do not let those events, people or life overtake you and be patient... positive... as they will pass.
If you need to mourn, mourn!
If you feel able to go forwards on your own - go for it!*
if you need to lean on someone, lean on them!
If you feel that you cannot face overcoming on your own - reach out!
whatever you do do not give up as...

You, your soul is worth it!

If you face those things that make you afraid, hurt you and bring you to your knees,
then fear and negativity will not creep into your life!
They will not live nor fester within your being... your life or your very soul.
They will not poison that little bit of courage you have left but instead...
you will discover that you are far braver than you thought  and be able to overcome!


Today it rained!
I sat there and watched the drops falling... falling... and soaking into the earth.
I took a breath and smelt the rain... smelt the lavender and newly mowed grass.
The flowers lifted their heads!
The trees took a sigh and the birds pecked for worms with a renewed spring in their 'step'!
The rain stopped!
A rainbow emerged across the lake... bright and fresh!
It was as though the sky was heralding in a new beginning...
It was offering a gift of love to the earth... a gift for you and I...
it was washing away the sorrows, the pain, the hurt...
it was giving the world a new beginning...
a chance  to live again!

My dear Friends 
know that you are worth it... so live your life and live it to the full! 

Live in HOPE and LOVE

* if you find that you are struggling to overcome and feel you need assistance - there are many organizations/hotlines/charities which can help - do not be afraid or... ashamed to ask for help! This is part of coping and moving onto the next moment and when you are ready you can face your moments on your own  - trust yourself and know that you have the strength within you!


'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey'...
 a book that will change your life..
blue print on how to overcome!
Ten chapters of inspirational words and a user friendly workbook to help you search and step out on a journey of overcoming and discovery!

Chapter 7 - 'The asks We Wear' 
Chapter 8 - 'Loneliness and Hope'
Chapter 10 - 'Choices, chances and changes'

My first inspirational book - 'Musings of a Blogger Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey', (Published in 2016) is available through Balboa Press:-
and Amazon

visit my website for further places where you can purchase my book:-

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