Saturday 30 January 2016

"What do you want to do when you grow up?"

"What do you want to do when you grow up?"
How many times did you hear these words when you were growing up...?
It is a question that we were asked a lot as children, but how are we supposed to know when we are young what we truly want in life? Especially when there are so many things out there, and so many things to learn... so many options to choose from and so many things we could do!
As a child how can you have answered this question?
As an adult can you answer that question now?
Now that you are grown have you made that choice. Do you know or have you decided what it is that you really want to do and are you doing it -
No... not sure or... yes!
Many times in life we 'do what we do' because someone else wanted us to do it...
it was expected of us,
we just 'fell' into it!
Sometimes in life what we do is just, 'going through the motions' and life becomes just, 'what it is'!
Ask yourself this this question:- Have I become buried in the 'mundane', gotten lost in the crowd and done what was expected of me, so much so, that my true identity has become blurred, lost and hidden by a perceived necessity -  all because... what I am doing now that I am all grown is NOT what I really want to do!
Think carefully about the answer carefully and know that... Life is about WHO you are not just what you do!
Think about this carefully - what you do with your life needs to fit in with who you really are...! It needs to fit in with your values, character, desires and true identity!
Life is NOT about what others want, or think, NOR is it about what is expected of you!
Think about this carefully and reflect upon your Journey of Life... where will you be this time, next week... next month... next year or... in ten years time!
What will be your triumphs and what will be your regrets? Will you still be doing what is expected of you or will you be doing what you ASPIRE to do?
Choose to live your identity as you want to live it - it might take effort, time, study, some hardships or 'going out on a limb'! It might take some decision making, prioritization and setting some goals! Baby steps might be needed before larger ones are okay but, do, reflect on what you are doing and ask yourself this question...
"Now that I am grown is what I am doing really what I want to do?" 
If it is, great! If it is NOT just remember that...
Life is full of choices so be happy with yours and if you are not, take the chance to make the choice to change your life - you DO have the inner strength to do so!

I write an inspirational blog – RuAnCa
and have the following:-
My inspirational facebook page -
World Wide Branding – VIP member -
My first inspirational book - 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey', (Published in 2016) is available through Balboa Press:-
and Amazon

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