Friday 23 October 2015

The Resilient Self!

The Resilient Self!
The power of human nature to overcome is amazing,
wounds heal but they do leave scars - sometimes angry, red and sore.
Time marches on as it never stands still,
memories linger but sooner or later the hurt fades dimming more and more.
So too, will the scars, those ones which seemed to overtake,
 as the resilience of a person does kick in, if not for others but for their very own sake!

Sometimes we become like a bruised reed, frail and broken at the edge of life.
Once we were standing tall strong and ready to face the world but now looking in the mirror all we see is a person bent and battered by the winds of life...
Are you like that bruised reed?
Was it not that long ago you were full of life...
but, somehow, somewhere something happened which left you broken...
a wrong decision, a failure or mistake,
a friends betrayal, a spouses wrong,
a loss of a loved one or grief of some kind,
a lie or angry words,
violence or abuse,
maybe a loss of a job or a home...
Whatever it was it became the lynch pin that caused you to become broken and tired of life but...

you have within you a resilience, a strength far beyond what you know - all you need is to find it and let it blossom, flower and grow!

Yes, so many times in life events occur and they bring us down. 
Down so low that it seems as if our life is over but, somehow, 
we keep on going and moving on as,
 deep within us a strength lies there waiting... waiting... waiting!

Yes, so many times in life people hurt, abandon and do us wrong but, somehow, 
we keep on going even if we just do the 'motions of living' - we just keep plodding on... and on... and on!
Yes, so many times in life we think that we cannot go on another step for it is just too hard and we want it all to stop...
but life is far too precious and as each one of us is so very unique.
Reach within yourself and find your own strength and resilience but if you feel you need assistance do reach out for another, take their hand and let them help you along. 
Do not try when you feel it is hopeless to try 'go-it-alone'  as, sometimes, we need to have support and there is always help and love just around the corner - more than you realize or know.
Yes the power of human nature to overcome is amazing but, sometimes,
 all we need is that nudge...
our strength can be buried so deep within us that it becomes lost in the pain and the hurt.
There is no harm or shame in asking for assistance and we do not have to walk that pain of recovery all alone. 

The resilience of self and our self preservation is amazing but, sometimes, 
all we need to do is to find it within.

When the storms of life seem to close in my friend
and your eyes become blurred with the tears,
and even though you may lose much with the pain and the sorrow,
 never forget that you are an incredible life.
A life that is worth so much, is unique and very precious 
and the place that you hold within this earth is made just for you.
So even though life may seem so very difficult at times,
it makes us more aware of the resources contained within.
The resilience of self and self preservation holds the key for peace and survival,
 as peace and having a life worth living come not in the absence of conflict,
 but in the ability to cope with what is given! 

My hope for you today and always is that through your life you will find your own strength and resilience that, which is contained within ALL of us.  Whether you need help in finding it during times of difficulties that is okay - never be afraid or ashamed to seek out any help you might need.  In overcoming and learning what we have deep inside of us is amazing, and, as we 'come out' of the other side of a dark period in our life it is in finding, utilizing and relying on our strength and self preservation, that we do find a peace of mind.... nothing is better than this!

Step forwards in faith and belief in your own resilience as it is there lying waiting... just waiting within you!

inspirational blog – RuAnCa
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