Thursday, 29 January 2015

Be Strong!

Be Strong!

Not long ago our local paper yesterday published an article entitled 'Quake Stress'. ('The Star' - article written by Emma-Jane McLennan).

The information contained within it was rather telling as it described just how the earthquakes in Christchurch are still affecting Cantabrians - relationships, eating, sleeping and even breathing and which may not subside until well into 2021!  
According to the article, it can take five to ten years to recover from any disaster.  The article then goes on to say how many people are still grieving for what has been lost while trying to answer the big question - of why and what has happened? This is leading to a vicious cycle of stress causing people to not be able to eat, sleep and exercise as they should. Statistics are given to support the study's finding.

Having read this article - along with the suggestions and help being offered - I reflected upon each of us, as individuals, and how we face adversity - whether it be a major disaster (bush fire, flood, earthquake, tsunami, etc.,) or one of a more personal nature (relationship break-up, death of a loved one, loss or leaving a job, illness, money issues, addition, etc.,).  

We all experience the 'fight or flight' process, but how we cope is dependent upon many factors:

our state of mind and physical health; availability of a circle of supportive friends and family and; help from others such as support groups, etc., (to name a few).

Ultimately though, as many of my readers will know, it takes an inner strength to not only overcome but continue living lives of worth and self-respect.  It takes a huge strength and commitment to overcome and until we each, on a personal level, realize that healing takes time and it is up to us to play the major part in that healing we will never truly overcome. This is sometimes the hardest thing we will ever do - you must though face your fears and turn them into a ladder!

As Henry Miller said,

Something to remember is:  The goal is the aim but it is the journey that counts!
And, friends, take time to be still.

My upcoming inspirational book (released approximately December 2015) - 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey' has:

10 chapters of Inspirational Words (each chapter discusses a theme) and a 10 chapter workbook (which relates back to each previous 10 chapters) then Reader's Group Questions.  The whole aspect of my book discusses how to face and overcome, then, dealing with issues in our life through practical and sensible ways - very much what is wanted and needed in today's world of tragedy!

Below is a quote from my book:

If we are brave enough to face those things that make us afraid we can face our fears that so much better…
If we are brave enough to face those things which hurt we can face our hurts with triumph!
The fear then… will not creep into our lives nor will the hurt over take…
We will be free to step forwards with courage and find out that we are BRAVER than we think!

I write an this inspirational blog – RuAnCa

Ruth Anne Caukwell

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