Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Seek Your Freedom Today...!

Seek Your Freedom Today...!
How often do we wish that we could fly like a bird...
fly away from our life...
fly away towards freedom!
just remember where ever we go, whatever we do and whomever we are with 
we can have that freedom!
As... freedom is not about flying away or escaping from such things as our job, people, debts... our circumstances... our life!
Instead...freedom comes from within!
For if we try to fly away, soaring high up in the sky trying to escape our life,
we will always take what is within us...
with us!
Just remember this... where ever you are, whatever you do and whomever you are with, you cannot run away from your circumstances and leave them behind -
Yes you cannot run away - seeking freedom - this will never occur unless... you face up to the issues that make you want to fly away towards freedom in the first place!
Yes you can fly away... 
Yes you can soar up high and...
yes you can find freedom!
But... escaping and fleeing is not the way!
You can fly free but first you must find freedom within yourself...
 You must face up to your fears, coming from behind your masks, break that cycle of unhappiness, work towards solving your problems...
open a gate through your  walls and step through!
You must be brave and make a choice to take the chances to make those changes within your  life and then, only then, will you find the freedom that you want!
Ultimately it is up to YOU!
Waking at day break, put on your shoes and step out into the day.
Walk with confidence and stand tall before the advancing day...
face the sun as it dances across the sky and brace yourself against any winds that might blow your way.
Your soul is yours...
your life is yours so,
meet the morning sun in its brightness and take the new day by both hands.
Hold it... 
grasp it with the might that is YOURS.
Walk with confidence and stand tall as YOU...
yes YOU are the only one who can do it!*
* Refer to my inspirational book - 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey' Blue Print for your life and start your Journey to Freedom NOW! 
1. Chapter 4 - Embrace Change and Chapter 14 of the Workbook
2. Chapter 6 - Challenging your thoughts patterns and Chapter 16 of the Workbook and;
3. Chapter 10 - Choices, chances and changes and Chapter 2- of the Workbook!

Musings is available from many on-line stores and in bookshops in New Zealand You can purchase it from Balboa Press -
or all Amazon stores -
Available on most on-line bookstores world wide (and in New Zealand) plus Christchurch Libraries/Hamner Springs Library and the National New Zealand Library and in Book stores (within New Zealand) - refer to my website for full details-

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