Sunday, 26 June 2016

Does Life Owe You...?

Does Life Owe You...?

Have you ever met someone who thinks that life 'owes' them?

I have and I expect that you have too, as.... they are everywhere!!
Are they happy?
No.... and do you know why?
Because they never believe that they get what they deserve.
It is always someone else's fault...
Life is unfair - look what she/he has...
They think that they have been mistreated and the dirty was done on them....

Do you think that life owes you something?

Well, if you do, have a think about it....
Why does life owe any of us any… thing?

Each of us has a reason to be here and even though we did not ask to be born we were... and just because of this very reason we are so, so very important!

Each of us are part of the very fabric of the universe... a unique soul to be treasured!

Thus we owe it to ourselves to take our OWN LIFE by both hands and run with it...

Take control of whatever situation we find ourselves in... and step forwards not in:-
blame, guilt, wanting, dissatisfaction and negativity but, instead live in openness, kindness, gratitude, love and a positive spirit


Life is a race that each of us runs.

Life is a challenge and no one is immune from crossing the finish line - coming in first, second, third or last - it really means not a thing.

Life is there for each of us to take and do with what we want... no matter whatever winds or storms that blow our way.

Life can be a joy to be treasured if only you would see... your life is an empty canvas on which to paint your own picture.

What you chose and what I chose is each of our own responsibility so,
Paint what you will yourself, as others, ultimately, CANNOT paint it for you...!

Yes life is a race that each of us runs, so... RUN yours now!


You have a choice to take a chance to make a change and...
if you choose toothen
 take a run with me on YOUR OWN JOURNEY OF LIFE!


'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational thoughts for Your Life's Journey'

- Chapter 4: Embrace Changes and chapter 14 of the workbook

- Chapter 10: Choices, chances and changes and chapter 20 of the workbook

'You do not have to stay behind your wall.

You can build a gate instead and go through it'


'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey', (Published in 2016) is available through Balboa Press:-

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