Celebrate Your Inner Beauty...!
Do you look around at others and see their visage and say:-
"I wish that I was that beautiful/handsome...!"
"If only I had her figure/his physique...!"
Do you think that because you might not look as 'beautiful' physically as them that you are not as good?
Do you think that their outside beauty will give them everything...
a partner, money, success, power, fans... LOVE?
If you do think all or some of these things then... think again!
Ask yourself these questions:-
"Does the outside beauty that I see represent an inner beauty that I cannot see?"
"Even though the box might be beautifully wrapped is it devoid of beauty, grace and goodness inside?"
Sadly in today's world advertisers spend billions in cultivating a false belief that:-
buying this...
using that...
will make you beautiful and therefore attractive to others...
you will achieve success, be HAPPY and LOVED, and have all that you want in the world.
How misleading and false this is!
Life is life and no matter how hard we try to stop the natural course of life from happening... we cannot!
All we are doing is covering up, decorating or changing our shell - the outer layer!
How often do we judge a book by it's cover only to discover that when we read it is nothing like we thought - in fact we would never have read it if the cover depicted what it truly was!
When we look at other 'beautiful/handsome' people and try to imitate what they either, falsely achieve or naturally look like, and cannot what happens?
We think that we are not good enough... but how wrong is this!
If you cannot realize that you are who you are because it was meant to be...
If you cannot realize that you are who you are because you are not meant to be anybody else...
If you cannot realize that outer beauty fades (no matter how much money is spent on it) but INNER beauty only gets more beautiful as you journey through your life...
If you cannot realize all of these then you will NEVER be happy because you will always be searching for a unattainable beauty one that will always fade!
You are unique therefore beautiful/handsome in your own way - uniqueness is amazing as just think that there is no-one else on this earth or in the universe... like YOU!
Of course it is important to look as best as you can but, when you become obsessed with the outside 'wrapping', there is danger in forgetting the GIFT inside!
It is then that the danger of becoming superficial will loom large!
It is then that the danger of becoming superficial will loom large!
kindness and empathy...
understanding and listening...
laughter and gratitude...
truth and honesty...
communication and respect...
being open and accepting of others...
being wise and thoughtful with your time, words, actions and beliefs and having integrity even when times become tough...
showing, giving and accepting of love!
This is beauty... this is your inner beauty which will not fade, for it is there within you and lasts a lifetime!
Today look into the mirror - look deep within your eyes!
Then look still further, beyond and deep into your soul, for it is there that you will find yourself, the true you!
If you look deeply you will find your own unique beauty for it is there, yes there, inside of you.
It might be hidden but if you look with eyes that see you will find it there lying quietly just waiting, just waiting to be discovered...
discovered by YOU!
Look for your inner beauty as it is there... inside of you!
‘Musings of a Blogger – Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey’ my first inspiration book will assist you in finding your Inner Beauty
* Refer to chapter 5 in 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey' - 'Self-esteem - what are your values?' and chapter 15 of the workbook and,
* Refer to chapter 6 in 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey' - 'Challenging your thought patterns' and chapter 16 of the workbook and,
* Refer to chapter 6 in 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey' - 'Challenging your thought patterns' and chapter 16 of the workbook and,
* Refer to chapter 10 in 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey' - 'Choices, chances and changes' and chapter 20 of the workbook
‘Musings of a Blogger – Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey’- (Published in 2016) is available through Balboa Press:-
and all Amazon stores
Plus, refer to my website for further details of where you can physically buy 'Musings' in New Zealand and on-line around the world – http://ruanca.caukwell.com
My ebooks – https://amazon.com/Ruth-Anne-Caukwell/e/
I write an inspirational blog – RuAnCa http://ruanca.blogspot.co.nz
and have the following:-
My twitter - https://twitter.com/ruancaRuth
My Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/ruancaruth/
My Tumblr page - http://ruanca.tumblr.com/
My inspirational facebook page - www.facebook.com/ruthannecaukwell
My LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruth-caukwell-846a3391
World Wide Branding – VIP member - http://www.worldwidebranding.com/Ruth%20Anne-Caukwell
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