Thursday, 29 January 2015

Be Strong!

Be Strong!

Not long ago our local paper yesterday published an article entitled 'Quake Stress'. ('The Star' - article written by Emma-Jane McLennan).

The information contained within it was rather telling as it described just how the earthquakes in Christchurch are still affecting Cantabrians - relationships, eating, sleeping and even breathing and which may not subside until well into 2021!  
According to the article, it can take five to ten years to recover from any disaster.  The article then goes on to say how many people are still grieving for what has been lost while trying to answer the big question - of why and what has happened? This is leading to a vicious cycle of stress causing people to not be able to eat, sleep and exercise as they should. Statistics are given to support the study's finding.

Having read this article - along with the suggestions and help being offered - I reflected upon each of us, as individuals, and how we face adversity - whether it be a major disaster (bush fire, flood, earthquake, tsunami, etc.,) or one of a more personal nature (relationship break-up, death of a loved one, loss or leaving a job, illness, money issues, addition, etc.,).  

We all experience the 'fight or flight' process, but how we cope is dependent upon many factors:

our state of mind and physical health; availability of a circle of supportive friends and family and; help from others such as support groups, etc., (to name a few).

Ultimately though, as many of my readers will know, it takes an inner strength to not only overcome but continue living lives of worth and self-respect.  It takes a huge strength and commitment to overcome and until we each, on a personal level, realize that healing takes time and it is up to us to play the major part in that healing we will never truly overcome. This is sometimes the hardest thing we will ever do - you must though face your fears and turn them into a ladder!

As Henry Miller said,

Something to remember is:  The goal is the aim but it is the journey that counts!
And, friends, take time to be still.

My upcoming inspirational book (released approximately December 2015) - 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey' has:

10 chapters of Inspirational Words (each chapter discusses a theme) and a 10 chapter workbook (which relates back to each previous 10 chapters) then Reader's Group Questions.  The whole aspect of my book discusses how to face and overcome, then, dealing with issues in our life through practical and sensible ways - very much what is wanted and needed in today's world of tragedy!

Below is a quote from my book:

If we are brave enough to face those things that make us afraid we can face our fears that so much better…
If we are brave enough to face those things which hurt we can face our hurts with triumph!
The fear then… will not creep into our lives nor will the hurt over take…
We will be free to step forwards with courage and find out that we are BRAVER than we think!

I write an this inspirational blog – RuAnCa

Ruth Anne Caukwell

Saturday, 24 January 2015

What a world we live in!

Each day something or someone can influence, shape and define who you are either positively or negatively. Be sure of who you are so that you will never ever let circumstances pull you down or change who you really are! You are worth far more than that my friends,

What a world we live in!

Hi everyone

Today has been such a beautiful day here in Christchurch, a wonderful sunny, clear day.  

Sitting by the river, after jet boating, I looking around at the people nearby, some were chatting, others laughing but all enjoying themselves.  The warm sun shining down on the sparkling water, the cool breeze ruffling the branches of the trees my mind wandered…

I wondered who among those people nearby had suffered in some way or another…

I reflected upon my own experiences last year (2014) and how far I had overcome… 
how far I had grown and, how much stronger I am now.

Adult Bullying – that was my cross to bear!

How soul destroying it can be, but with support from those who love you, you can rise above it - the thing is to realize that bullying is done by small minded people who see in others something that they are not.

I have written about bullying in one of my short stories ('An Anthology of Three Women 2' – on Amazon). 

Sadly this is a worldwide, huge, problem not only within young children, teenagers but also adults. 

Bullying comes in all sorts of 'shapes and sizes' and affects boys and girls, men and women. I have spoken to numerous people who have experienced bullying and am amazed at how prevalent it is within adults, not only the workplace but within the home, especially in relation to elderly parents, and society as a whole.

Why destroy yourself and who you are, why become something you are not just to accommodate or please these people:

Do not let hurt or pain define you.
Do not let it shape the moments in your life.
Do not let someone else’s bitterness and jealous control your very being
and never ever let it become who you think you are!'

If you yourself become bitter and twisted because of such experiences, the perpetrators of such terrible acts have won!

 Do not take on board their jealousy, hatred and the maelstrom of cruelty that must be inside of them.

Instead, hold your head up high, walk in grace, dignity and beauty
just be the person whom God intended you to be and:

'For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone!'

Mahatma Ghandi once said, "An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind."

Oh yes… looking around I saw such beauty today, such love and delight!

What a world we live in!
Oh yes… there is so much beauty within our world yet so much ugliness too, 
that, to live happily we MUST only focus on this beauty and the good that is within so many people.

I vow to do that every day even though, some days it can be hard!

Go forth my friends and be in charge of your life, choose not to be a victim of circumstance and blame anything and others for how you feel,

but instead,

STAND TALL and choose to be the wonderful person that you really are and,

 BE the BEST that you can be.'


Follow my inspirational blog – RuAnCa

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Another beautiful day in 'Paradise'

Hi everyone
Just sitting here looking out at the beautiful sunshine reflecting upon the wonderful day.  It has been really hot and dry here in Canterbury so much so that there is a drought and everything is looking tired, yellow and dry - tough for the farmers.  Yesterday though we had a great respite with a thunderous rainstorm, marvellous with huge fat raindrops - I was caught out in it but it was wonderful. We need more!! 
Thinking about how we, as humans, are so dependent upon the weather, the heat, cold, rain and dry and all that in between.
Ever since the beginning of time we have weathered the seasons and changing climates and no less in today's world - we must be thankful that here in New Zealand even though we have dry times and droughts we do get lots of rain!
It behoves us all to realize just how precious the seasons are - not only the weather ones but those seasons within our lives...
the Springs, Summers, Autumns and Winters...
the windy, sunny, dry and stormy times...
 as, they are all part of each season within our life and just as the seasons shape the world around us they too, shape our personal journey of life.
If you are currently going through a dry or stormy season just remember - 
Your journey will consist of many small steps and not one giant one, so
 step forwards in confidence and with courage towards your future.
I want to share with you a poem my mum, Marie, wrote while we lived in Australia, during a long drought, when the anticipation of rain was ever present - (she is a very talented poet, artist and writer!)
Dry, parched, dusty earth
stirred up
Choking, covering all
With a fine red dust,
Cattle, mouths agape
Head hanging,
Stumble along
In a red haze.
Dark clouds along the horizon
Rumble of thunder
Lightening flash,
Man and beast
Hopefully, look up
Dull eyes lighting,
And the clouds draw nearer,
Thunder rumbling
Ever rumbling, like guns in the distance,
Rain spatters,
But the clouds pass by
And in the brassy sunshine
Man and beast settle,
Back into weary waiting.
Marie Caukwell (Copywrite)
Just a thought to end the day:
Life is not always sunny, life is not always full of clear and bright skies - often we tread wearily along each day wondering how and why...
but remember...
just as the world rotates unceasingly causing the wind, the rain and those storms elsewhere there are sunny skies, warms days and sunshine.
When it is night time at your place it is daytime some place else, so...
even though the world rotates and brings the night time, the breaking dawn and day time will come!
Look to those sunny days when in winter and know that they will come my friends

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World Wide Branding – VIP member -

Friday, 16 January 2015

Sign of great things to come!

Hi everyone

I am sitting at my desk looking out the window at the lovely warm sunny evening - how nice it is to experience these lovely nights - which lead me to reflect upon last night!  I had a call from my dear neighbour, about 9.10pm, who said, "Quick go and have a look at the double rainbow outside!". Sure enough going out into the backyard there was a magnificent dark blue, a huge bank of white cloud and two extremely bright wide rainbows.  Mum and I stood in awe at the beautiful sight - we are so fortunate here in Christchurch during summer to have long twightlights in the evening.  I reached out my hand as the rainbows looked so close to touch thinking how great it is to see such wonders - it seemed to be a sign of great things to come for the new year - I am believing it to be so!

Thanks to all those who have purchased my 'Anthology of Three Women' and I hope that you have enjoyed reading the short stories and the concepts that I am wanting to portray.  I am well on the way to writing 'An Anthology of Three Women 2' which deals with such topics as: the loss of a child; a woman who has to deal with bullying and; a teenage with a eating disorder - expect it in a couple of months (sooner I hope!).

Some of you have queried why my blogg name is RuAnCa -  well here goes... I chose it for two reasons firstly, the initials equal part of my name - Ru = Ruth, An = Anne and Ca = Caukwell and secondly when put together the second part sounds like 'anchor', i.e., AnCa and by putting my 'pet' name in front 'Ru' we get RuAnCa. 

I chose to go with RuAnCa as a blogg name as, the 'anchor' is synonymous with strenth and holding firm - very symbollic to me as through the winds of life there are times when we need an anchor to keep us grounded, when everything around us seems turbulent and hopeless but, if we have the strength to 'stand firm' the storm will pass and calm ascends!  I added 'Ru' in front of the 'AnCa'as this symbolises myself thus makes the 'anchor' very personal and meaningful.

I hope that all of you out there can find your own 'anchor' within the storms of life whether it be through self-reflection, assistance from others or whatever becomes your life line, until the storm passes.

Have a great week and do comment/tell others about my blogg!

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Check out my book on Amazon!

Well it is a new year, how quickly it has come about!  This year will be a big one for me as  have alot of future plans and my life is taking a new direction.
This year I am concentrating on my writing and have just had my first book of three short stories published on Amazon - 'An Anthology of Three Women' so check it out and tell me what you think!

Look out for my next Anthology 2 - another group of short stories about women.  These are based upon real life happenings which I use as a basis weaving them into a tapestry of how women overcome obstacles and heartache.

Other projects for the future are a semi science fiction novel and my childrens picture books!