We all experience fear, even the most confident and successful people, as, it is a normal part of living. The difference though with some people is that they refuse to be ruled by their fear!
Why is this?
Because... these people know that if they let fear rule them it will become paramount in their life and ultimately control them!
And... once fear becomes the controlling factor in your life it can paralyze YOU!
Many times fear and anxiety are fueled by the words and actions of others and if/when taken on board they become the negative tapes by which we live by.
Is fear a fire within your life?
And if it is, who and what makes it burn brighter?
Think on this as someone who is perfectly safe, but has fear burned into them (for whatever reason), suffer from just as much anxiety as a person who is living in a high risk situation!
This is because... your BRAIN DOES NOT discriminate between feelings and emotions that are REAL or IMAGINED. Fear can and will dominate your life regardless - it is just as devastating and debilitating as a physical injury!
If we are brave enough to face those things that make us afraid we can face our fears that so much better…
If we are brave enough to face those things which hurt we can face our hurts with triumph!
The fear then… will not creep into our lives nor will the hurt over take…
We will be free to step forwards with courage and find out that we are BRAVER than we think!
Share your fears with someone else... unload your burdens with a friend!
Realize that a fear can either be a 'real' one or a 'concept' that becomes learned and then believed!
Ask yourself these two questions:-
Do you want fear to rule your life?
Do you want your life consumed by a negative destructive fire?
If not then let your fears go and unburden your soul. Be brave and do what you need to do. Be brave and do what you need to... do... to... be... FREE!
So, why walk with fear when you can walk through it!
Come walk with me a while and choose to make your journey of discovery be free of fear! My inspirational book - 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey' will open the doorway for you to walk through your fear... if you choose to!
-Chapter two -'The stoppers in our lives' and chapter 12 of the workbook
-Chapter three - 'What is fear' and chapter 13 of the workbook
-Chapter four - 'Embrace change' and chapter 14 of the workbook
-Chapter six - 'Challenging your though patterns' and chapter 16 of the workbook
-Chapter seven - 'The Masks We Wear' and chapter 17 of workbook and,
-Chapter 10 - 'Choices, chances and changes' and chapter 20 of the workbook.
(If you have a real fear or you life is in danger do not hesitate to seek help - there are many places and help lines that are there waiting to support and listen! Do not live in 'real' fear as you are worth far far more than that... do take the first step no matter how hard it might be...)
‘Musings’ is available from myself (a signed copy - just contact me via my social media) many on-line stores and in bookshops in New Zealand (Plus, refer to my website for further details of where else it is available) -
You can purchase it from the publishers, Balboa Press- http://bookstore.balboapress.com/Products/SKU-001040507/Musings-of-a-Blogger.aspx
or all Amazon stores- https://www.amazon.com/Musings-Blogger-Inspirational-Thoughts-Journey-ebook/dp/B01ALBWHSK/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8#nav-subnav
I also write an inspirational blog – RuAnCa http://ruanca.blogspot.co.nz
My webpage – http://ruanca.caukwell.com/
Please note that soon my inspirational blog and website will be under my new website – www.ruthannecaukwell.com
My twitter - https://twitter.com/ruancaRuth
My You Tube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPw_zL01HKsPyq_y2F6vjEA
My Tumblr page - http://ruanca.tumblr.com/
My inspirational facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/ruthannecaukwell/
My LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruth-caukwell-846a3391
My Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/ruancaruth/
My Pinterest - https://nz.pinterest.com/ruthcauk/
Member of the New Zealand Society of Authors (NZSA): http://authors.org.nz/
World Wide Branding – VIP member - http://www.worldwidebranding.com/Ruth%20Anne-Caukwell
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