Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Are You an Empty Shell...?

Today I was overcome with a great sadness when someone very close and dear to me told me that, inside they.... "felt like an empty shell."
The emotion I felt included hopelessness as this amazing person is just that... amazing!
Her whole life has been full of giving, kindness and loving others so much so that many have come to 'expect' her goodness. They assume that she will always be 'there' just when they feel like it... at their 'beck-and-call.' And during those other times they never call or bother with her!
Are you one of those people who give-and-give-and-give so much so that that you are devoid of feeling too...?
Are you one of those who tread life with your hands wide open, expecting... taking... and wanting from others...?
Today I learned a lesson, one from which great wisdom can be gained and I asked my self these two questions -
"Do I treat those who are close to me with an attitude of indifference?" and... "Is this unconsciously done, a learned habit or intended...?"
I know what my answers are to these questions and they are ones that I will never be ashamed of as, I know what hurt, pain and adversity is. I know what loneliness, unfairness and grief is...!
But, I also know about happiness, kindness and love.
I also know about goodness, gratitude and trust too, because I learned it not only from my own life's journey but also from that amazing person who has given me her all...!
What is your answer to these questions -
Are you an empty shell or... Do you empty the shell...?
My first inspirational book - 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey', (Published in 2016) is available through Balboa Press-http://bookstore.balboapress.com/Products/SKU-001040507/Musings-of-a-Blogger.aspx
I also write an inspirational blog – RuAnCa  http://ruanca.blogspot.co.nz (note that my blog will soon be on my new website (so will keep you posted) www.ruthannecaukwell.com
My Tumblr page - http://ruanca.tumblr.com/
My inspirational facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/ruthannecaukwell/

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