Our lives are intertwined, woven together by the strands of words, actions and emotions!
The patterns are formed, reshaped and formed again, just like the letters on a page, joining together to form different sentences.
What will YOUR strands be and how will they contribute to the story of life?
'Have you ever noticed how children see things differently—oh so simply?
Nothing is complicated and involved, plus they bounce back and forgive so easily. They know what they want and let things go, seemingly without remorse and complications.
Why is it that once we reach adulthood, things change?
Everything becomes more complicated then. We find it hard to forgive, let go, and move on—instead, we think too much about things, mull them over, and because of this, they become part of our inner selves. We build walls that will keep us safe while hiding behind masks, pretending that we are okay. We also take on board other people’s words, actions, and treatment of us, making them so much part of ourselves that sadly they become entrenched within our psyches, ultimately changing who we are and burying our authentic selves....' (C)
But I have great news: my book, Musings of a Blogger Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey, will change all of this if......
you choose to make a choice to take a chance to change!
-Chapter two -'The stoppers in our lives' and chapter 12 of the workbook
-Chapter three - 'What is fear' and chapter 13 of the workbook
-Chapter four - 'Embrace change' and chapter 14 of the workbook
-Chapter five - 'Self-esteem - what are your values?' and chapter 15 of the workbook
-Chapter six - 'Challenging your though patterns' and chapter 16 of the workbook
-Chapter seven - 'The Masks We Wear' and chapter 17 of workbook and,
-Chapter 10 - 'Choices, chances and changes' and chapter 20 of the workbook.
‘Musings’ is available from myself (a signed copy - just contact me via my social media) many on-line stores and in bookshops in New Zealand (Plus, refer to my website for further details of where else it is available) -
You can purchase it from the publishers, Balboa Press - http://bookstore.balboapress.com/Products/SKU-001040507/Musings-of-a-Blogger.aspx
or all Amazon stores - https://www.amazon.com/Musings-Blogger-Inspirational-Thoughts-Journey-ebook/dp/B01ALBWHSK/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8#nav-subnav
My website – http://ruanca.caukwell.com/
Below is the link to my Radio interview on Hay Radio...Hay Radio Interview – https://app.box.com/s/xtzt5zkj4my88hw95p5rqisbo3vl421j
Listen to my story and what my book is about (it will only take a few minutes) - make that CHOICE as it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
Below is the link to my interview with David Ellis... https://toofulltowrite.com/2016/08/26/author-interview-ruth-anne-caukwell-musings-of-a-blogger-inspirational-thoughts-for-your-lifes-journey-anthologies-for-women/
Check out my u-tube trailer too… https://app.box.com/s/t2q8qdcmqw3rk4er7jqoyp5206vsuryf
My inspirational blog – RuAnCa http://ruanca.blogspot.co.nz
Member of the New Zealand Society of Authors (NZSA): http://authors.org.nz/
My webpage – http://ruanca.caukwell.com/
My twitter - https://twitter.com/ruancaRuth
My Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/ruancaruth/
My Tumblr page - http://ruanca.tumblr.com/
My inspirational facebook page - www.facebook.com/ruthannecaukwell
My LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruth-caukwell-846a3391
My ebooks – https://amazon.com/Ruth-Anne-Caukwell/e/
World Wide Branding – VIP member - http://www.worldwidebranding.com/Ruth%20Anne-Caukwell
Top Female Executives, Professionals & Entrepreneurs - http://topfemaleexecutives.com/2016/02/16/ruth-anne-caukwell/
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