Saturday, 8 October 2016

Have You Checked Your Attitude Today...?

Each morning as you awake you have the opportunity to choose your outlook so... choose wisely and choose well!
Outlook, or attitude, will make an amazing difference in your life as how you visualize and see events, people and circumstances will dictate how the day will pan-out.
When you have a joyful outlook your attitude, in everything that you say and do, will be influenced by positive aspects and therefore, those around you will be touched by it too. But, if your outlook is tainted with a negative attitude so too will those around you be influenced by it!
A joyful, positive outlook will give you a winning edge and ultimately determine how others react and respond to you!
A joyful outlook dictates how others react and respond to you - when you smile a person tends to smile back but if you are grumpy or rude, nine-times-out-of-ten, those around you will treat you in a similar vein!
Words, actions and attitudes can 'make' or 'break' relationships so, check your attitude before you open your door!
If you want to influence those around you and be treated in a way that is worthy of you turn those negative attitudes into positive ones - you will find that the results will surprise you!
We all share a 'chemistry' with one another and so, ultimately, we are all interdependent upon each other in some way and never more so than by 'attitude'.
'No [person] is an island, entire of itself, every [person] is a piece of a continent, a piece of a main' - John Donne (Poet)
A joyful outlook will strengthen you in any situation!
Not all days are wonderful and happy, in fact, their are times in our life when circumstances herald in tragedy, pain and hurt. But, if you have cultivated a positive attitude within the days prior, it will help you in dealing, and coping with these types of adversities.
Life does not always 'play by the rules' but understand that YOU, your outlook, attitudes and actions are capable of turning things around! Life does not always 'play by the rules' but know that YOU have amazing treasures contained within and if fed, watered and cultivated in a positive way, will become your very strength in times of need!
A joyful outlook will ultimately channel in happiness, as joy is a stepping stone within a positive path! And, if you live with a positive attitude it will lead to a 'flourishing-oriented' life and NOT a 'victim-oriented' life!
So... CHOOSE to change your outlook today, make it joyful, make it positive and YOU will reap the benefits!
My inspirational book - 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey' will open a doorway for you discover the 'Universe of You'!
The inspirational words...
the connecting workbook and...
the reader’s group questions are all written in love for you so...
Choose to take the Journey of Self discovery with me and begin a new!
- Chapter nine ' 'We can all have happiness - so just go out and grab it!'and chapter 19 and,
- Chapter 10 - 'Choices, chances and changes' and chapter 20 of the workbook.
‘Musings’ is available from myself (a signed copy - just contact me via my social media) many on-line stores and in bookshops in New Zealand (Plus, refer to my website for further details of where else it is available) -
You can purchase it from the publishers, Balboa Press -
My website –
Look for it! Make that CHOICE to buy it! Take that CHANCE to work through it and, YOU will experience the CHANGES as you journey towards your authentic self!
Below is the link to my Radio interview on Hay Radio...Hay Radio Interview
Listen to my story and what my book is about (it will only take a few minutes) - make that CHOICE as it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey', (Published in 2016) is available through Balboa Press -
My inspirational blog – RuAnCa
Member of the New Zealand Society of Authors (NZSA) -
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World Wide Branding – VIP member -
Top Female Executives, Professionals & Entrepreneurs -

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