Thursday, 30 June 2016

Radio Interview on Hay Radio - Bright New Voices...!

Radio Interview on Hay Radio - Bright New Voices...!
Hay House Radio featured my interview on their 'Bright New Voices'  segment (played on Fridays between 1.00 - 2.00 pm)  which was an amazing opportunity for me to discuss my book -  'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey' and why I wrote it, what it is about and, what it means for readers - below is the file of my interview...
Listen to my story and what my book is about (it will only take a few minutes) - make that CHOICE as it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
Hay House Radio - 
My book is available to purchase through on-line storesbooks shops (here in Christchurch - more coming on board) and from myself.
Check out my website – for details of where to buy!
'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey'
Are you completely happy with your life...?
Are you seeking something different...?
Do you want change in your life, are you ready for change or are you afraid of change...?
If you answered Yes to any of these questions then this book is for you!
Even if you did not answer Yes this book is still for you as it is reminds us of what and how our lives are molded and shaped by circumstances yet be able to overcome and emerge, just like a butterfly from its chrysalis, from who you think you are to, who you REALLY are!
* Refer to chapter 6, 'Challenging your thought patterns' and chapter 16 of the workbook and,
* Refer to chapter 10 in 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey' - 'Choices, chances and changes' and chapter 20 of the workbook 
‘Musings of a Blogger – Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey’- (Published in 2016) is available through Balboa Press:-
and all Amazon stores -
I write an inspirational blog – RuAnCa
My Tumblr page -
My inspirational facebook page -
World Wide Branding – VIP member -
Top Female Executives, Professionals & Entrepreneurs -

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Have You Emerged From Your Chrysalis to Fly Free...?

Have You Emerged From Your Chrysalis to Fly Free...?
Below is the link to my radio interview on 'Bright New Voices' last week (Hay Radio - Louise Hay) discussing my new book...
'Musings of A Blogger - Inspirational Thought for Your Life's Journey' - a book written to inspire others to make a 'Choice to take a Chance to Change'
Listen to my story and what my book is about (it will only take a few minutes) - make that CHOICE as it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey'
Are you completely happy with your life...?
Are you seeking something different...?
Do you want change in your life, are you ready for change or are you afraid of change...?
If you answered Yes to any of these questions then this book is for you!
Even if you did not answer Yes this book is still for you as it is reminds us of what and how our lives are molded and shaped by circumstances yet be able to overcome and emerge, just like a butterfly from its chrysalis, from who you think you are to, who you REALLY are!
8 Refer to chapter 6, 'Challenging your thought patterns' and chapter 16 of the workbook and,
* Refer to chapter 10 in 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey' - 'Choices, chances and changes' and chapter 20 of the workbook 
‘Musings of a Blogger – Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey’- (Published in 2016) is available through Balboa Press:-
and all Amazon stores
Plus, refer to my website for further details of where you can physically buy'Musings' in New Zealand and on-line around the world –
I write an inspirational blog – RuAnCa
and have the following:-
My Tumblr page -
My inspirational facebook page -
World Wide Branding – VIP member -
Top Female Executives, Professionals & Entrepreneurs

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Does Life Owe You...?

Does Life Owe You...?

Have you ever met someone who thinks that life 'owes' them?

I have and I expect that you have too, as.... they are everywhere!!
Are they happy?
No.... and do you know why?
Because they never believe that they get what they deserve.
It is always someone else's fault...
Life is unfair - look what she/he has...
They think that they have been mistreated and the dirty was done on them....

Do you think that life owes you something?

Well, if you do, have a think about it....
Why does life owe any of us any… thing?

Each of us has a reason to be here and even though we did not ask to be born we were... and just because of this very reason we are so, so very important!

Each of us are part of the very fabric of the universe... a unique soul to be treasured!

Thus we owe it to ourselves to take our OWN LIFE by both hands and run with it...

Take control of whatever situation we find ourselves in... and step forwards not in:-
blame, guilt, wanting, dissatisfaction and negativity but, instead live in openness, kindness, gratitude, love and a positive spirit


Life is a race that each of us runs.

Life is a challenge and no one is immune from crossing the finish line - coming in first, second, third or last - it really means not a thing.

Life is there for each of us to take and do with what we want... no matter whatever winds or storms that blow our way.

Life can be a joy to be treasured if only you would see... your life is an empty canvas on which to paint your own picture.

What you chose and what I chose is each of our own responsibility so,
Paint what you will yourself, as others, ultimately, CANNOT paint it for you...!

Yes life is a race that each of us runs, so... RUN yours now!


You have a choice to take a chance to make a change and...
if you choose toothen
 take a run with me on YOUR OWN JOURNEY OF LIFE!


'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational thoughts for Your Life's Journey'

- Chapter 4: Embrace Changes and chapter 14 of the workbook

- Chapter 10: Choices, chances and changes and chapter 20 of the workbook

'You do not have to stay behind your wall.

You can build a gate instead and go through it'


'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey', (Published in 2016) is available through Balboa Press:-

Friday, 24 June 2016

Celebrate Your Inner Beauty...!

Celebrate Your Inner Beauty...!
Do you look around at others and see their visage and say:-
 "I wish that I was that beautiful/handsome...!"
"If only I had her figure/his physique...!"
Do you think that because you might not look as 'beautiful' physically as them that you are not as good?
Do you think that their outside beauty will give them everything...
a partner, money, success, power, fans... LOVE?
If you do think all or some of these things then... think again!
Ask yourself these questions:-
"Does the outside beauty that I see represent an inner beauty that I cannot see?"
"Even though the box might be beautifully wrapped is it devoid of beauty, grace and goodness inside?"
Sadly in today's world advertisers spend billions in cultivating a false belief that:-
buying this...
using that...
will make you beautiful and therefore attractive to others...
you will achieve success, be HAPPY and LOVED, and have all that you want in the world.
How misleading and false this is!
Life is life and no matter how hard we try to stop the natural course of life from happening... we cannot!
All we are doing is covering up, decorating or changing our shell - the outer layer!
How often do we judge a book by it's cover only to discover that when we read it is nothing like we thought - in fact we would never have read it if the cover depicted what it truly was!
When we look at other 'beautiful/handsome' people and try to imitate what they either, falsely achieve or naturally look like, and cannot what happens?
We think that we are not good enough... but how wrong is this!
If you cannot realize that you are who you are because it was meant to be...
If you cannot realize that you are who you are because you are not meant to be anybody else...
If you cannot realize that outer beauty fades (no matter how much money is spent on it) but INNER beauty only gets more beautiful as you journey through your life...
If you cannot realize all of these then you will NEVER be happy because you will always be searching for a unattainable beauty one that will always fade!
You are unique therefore beautiful/handsome in your own way - uniqueness is amazing as just think that there is no-one else on this earth or in the universe... like YOU! 
Of course it is important to look as best as you can but, when you become obsessed with the outside 'wrapping', there is danger in forgetting the GIFT inside!
It is then that the danger of becoming superficial will loom large!
kindness and empathy...
understanding and listening...
laughter and gratitude...
truth and honesty...
communication and respect...
being open and accepting of others...
being wise and thoughtful with your time, words, actions and beliefs and having integrity even when times become tough...
showing, giving and accepting of love!
This is beauty... this is your inner beauty which will not fade, for it is there within you and lasts a lifetime!
Today look into the mirror - look deep within your eyes!
Then look still further, beyond and deep into your soul, for it is there that you will find yourself, the true you!
If you look deeply you will find your own unique beauty for it is there, yes there, inside of you.
It might be hidden but if you look with eyes that see you will find it there lying quietly just waiting, just waiting to be discovered...
discovered by YOU!
Look for your inner beauty as it is there... inside of you!
‘Musings of a Blogger – Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey’ my first inspiration book will assist you in finding your Inner Beauty 

* Refer to chapter 5 in 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey' - 'Self-esteem - what are your values?' and chapter 15 of the workbook and,

*   Refer to chapter 6  in 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey' -  'Challenging your thought patterns' and chapter 16 of the workbook and,
* Refer to chapter 10 in 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey' - 'Choices, chances and changes' and chapter 20 of the workbook 
‘Musings of a Blogger – Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey’- (Published in 2016) is available through Balboa Press:-
and all Amazon stores
Plus, refer to my website for further details of where you can physically buy 'Musings' in New Zealand and on-line around the world –
 I write an inspirational blog – RuAnCa
and have the following:-
My Tumblr page -
My inspirational facebook page -
World Wide Branding – VIP member -
Top Female Executives, Professionals & Entrepreneurs

Thursday, 16 June 2016

The Deep...!

The Deep...!
There is nothing quite like the Deep...
deep oceans, deep jungles, deep caves, deep valleys and deep mysteries!
What is even more wonderful is the deep within a person...
deep feelings, deep thoughts, deep emotions, deep words, deep conversations and deep love!
Depth fills us up...
Depth exposes the shallow and the superficial side of both people and things and,
once we have experienced what 'The Deep' feels like we can never ever go back...
Have you felt the depth of feelings, thoughts and emotions - so much so that it brought you to tears?
Have you felt the depth of words and conversation - spoken with understanding, wisdom and passion?
Have you felt the depth of love - kindness, truth, honesty, compassion and respect?
Have you?
Do you, yourself, show a deepness within your life?
Reflect upon this and give yourself an honest answer, and know...
Once you have experienced 'The Deep' of life you will never ever be satisfied with those superficial and shallow things, and people, any more!
Do you want others to know and experience that same deepness within you?
If you do...
delve into 'The Deep' of your life and let the surface things go and...
find your authentic self!

'Go experience life! Experience it in your own way. Live it, taste it, and enjoy it through your own eyes. Remember that each of us is different, with a different path and dream to follow, so live your life to the fullest.

May each of you walk in peace and happiness as you discover, get to know, and live with your authentic self!'

 Ruth Anne Caukwell (Quote from Musings of a Blogger) (C)


'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey' - takes you on a journey of self discovery! It is a blue print for your life and helps you to realize that you have an inner strength upon which you can free, help it to blossom and ultimately, let it lead you where you want to be in your life, so...
Do you want to discover the deep within ...?
If so go out and grab it, today, as it is the 'stepping out' and finding out who you really are that will fulfilled every need within your life!  The strength contained within your 'inner deep' is there just waiting to be discovered!

*   Refer to chapter 2 in 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey' - 'The Stoppers in our lives' and chapter 12 of the workbook and,
* Refer to chapter 5 in 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey' - 'Self-esteem - what are your values?' and chapter 15 of the workbook and,

*   Refer to chapter 6  in 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey' -  'Challenging your thought patterns' and chapter 16 of the workbook and,
* Refer to chapter 10 in 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey' - 'Choices, chances and changes' and chapter 20 of the workbook and,
My first inspirational book ‘Musings of a Blogger – Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey’- (Published in 2016) is available through Balboa Press:-
and all Amazon stores
Plus, refer to my website for further details of where you can physically buy 'Musings' in New Zealand and on-line around the world –
 I write an inspirational blog – RuAnCa
and have the following:-
My Tumblr page -
My inspirational facebook page -
World Wide Branding – VIP member -
Top Female Executives, Professionals & Entrepreneurs

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Do You Want to 'Step Out' of Your Old Life...?

Do you want to 'step out' of your old life and 'step towards' finding your Authentic Self?
Do you want a Blue Print for your life to assist you in 'making a choice to take a chance to change"?
Well read on..... and listen to my radio interview - Hay House Radio, the Bright New Voices section on (American time) Friday, June 17, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. PT/4:00 p.m. ET with replays over the weekend. It will also air the following week
or alternatively I will post the link to my interview once it has aired....!
Just read what others say about ‘Musings of a Blogger – Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey’!
“I just finished reading Ruth Caukwell’s new book, Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey. Let me just say, if you have been struggling in your life, unsure how to identify and break free of the “baggage” that’s been holding you back, then you have to pick up a copy of Ruth’s book. Not only does she help you identify those obstacles, but helps you crush them with a very simple, yet thorough, step by step process. With a format that is easy to use individually, or along with others, this book will become your go-to resource for any struggles you’re experiencing in your life.
Rick Sheninger - CEO - One To One Marketing, Author, and Speaker
“It has been proven that true and lasting success is found within the walls of Self-Belief, Self-Confidence and Self-Love! If you’re serious about a successful future then read Ruth’s book, Musings of a Blogger – Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey, and experience a Journey inside those walls that will lead you to a deep happiness that few people will ever find.” This book is a true life changer for sure!
Dr. Robert Minzak - Successful Entrepreneur, Relationship Marketer and Speaker
Ruth Caukwell’s book, Musings of a Blogger – Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey, encourages you on your journey towards being your authentic self. Full of great advice, this workbook puts the power in your hands to make different choices in thought and behaviour to change your life. As Ruth says, you were not born a winner, nor were you born a loser; you were born a chooser. Choose to read this book.
Karen Degen - Author of ‘Heightening Your Happiness - How you can develop the skill of enjoying your life’
I have read Ruth’s book, Musings of a Blogger – Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey, and was very excited to see this is aimed at the individual who needs to embrace change, to enhance their lives, move outside of their comfort zone and, break through the “terror Barrier”. It has often been said that your goal or your dream is on the other side of your fear - this book exemplifies that and goes one step further and, simplifies it! A must read for all those who need to make changes in their direction and live the life of their dreams. Great work Ruth. God Bless.
Bruce Vesey-Brown - Home Based Business Specialist, Independant Jeunesse Distributer
My first inspirational book - 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey', (Published in 2016) is available through Balboa Press:-…/Musings-of-a-Blogger.aspx
I write an inspirational blog – RuAnCa
and have the following:-
My webpage –
My twitter -
My Instagram –
My Tumblr page -
My inspirational facebook page -
My Gmail -
My LinkedIn -
My ebooks –
World Wide Branding – VIP member -
Top Female Executives, Professionals & Entrepreneurs…/16/ruth-anne-caukwell/

Monday, 13 June 2016

Tear Down Those Walls....!

Tear Down Those Walls....!
Within life there are so many opposites:- 
light versus dark
day versus night
Winter versus Summer
peace versus turmoil
kindness versus cruelty
acceptance versus rebuke, and...
love versus hate!
Within each of us there are many opposites which are shown by our:-
looks and...
Stop for a moment and ask yourself this question:-  
"Which opposite do I feed and ultimately live by?"
Do not live behind the wrong wall, one which will only guide you along a path full of pain, sadness and bitterness in the end!
Do not live with each brick made up of prejudices, biases and hatred, as... life is meant to transcend all differences and hostility, it is meant to surpass judgment and hate, yes life is meant to be full of grace, respect, acceptance and love!
Isolation, exclusion and judgment have been around for so long that many have forgotten what it is like to live without a wall, so... isn't it time for each of us to work in unison to tear down those walls, and build a bridge!
If you are brave enough to face those things that make you afraid then you can face your fears that so much better…
If you are brave enough to face those things which hurt you then you can face your hurts with triumph!
The fear then… will not creep into your life nor will the hurt over take…
You will be free to step forwards with courage and find out that You are BRAVER than we think!
In truth may you walk and in truth may you live!
Through all the returning seasons may you grow and change -
just as summer turns into spring and spring into autumn and autumn into winter -
may you move and grow with life, singing with the birds, walking through the trails marked with ferns and trees, with flowers blooming fresh and snow falling thick.
May you live with truth and let truth lead you... guide you and… help you live your life to the full!
You were born in truth...let you live in truth and…finish in truth!
Extracts taken from "Musings of A Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey' (C) - Ruth Anne Caukwell
Check out these two  entries from my blog:- RuAnCa
My first inspirational book - 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey', (Published in 2016) is available through Balboa Press -
and Amazon -
My inspirational blog – RuAnCa
My Tumblr page -
My inspirational facebook page -
World Wide Branding – VIP member -
Top Female Executives, Professionals & Entrepreneurs