Thursday, 31 March 2016

Have you been Judgmental today....?

Have you been JUDGMENTAL today?

Can you answer that question, is it too hard to admit or are you aware of what you really say?

What does being JUDGMENTAL mean anyway?

According to the Reader's Digest Oxford Complete Word finder (p. 824) the word JUDGE means: form an opinion about; conclude, consider, appraise; act as judge; form a judgement and.... JUDGEMENT means: criticism, censure, disapproval, reproof, condemnation
and ....JUDGMENTAL meanscondemning, critical!

All these words imply both a feeling and an assumption about something and someone! 
So... think about your thoughts... what have you thought today?
Think about your opinions... what and who have you formed an opinion about today?
Have they been negative or have they been positive?

Think about this for a moment - 
Being judgmental is when a conclusion is made about a quality of someone or something - we usually make this conclusion on only one quality -
 this dictates what we think or feel about the persons or things whole nature, about ALL their/the other qualities that they/it might have!
So... ultimately the judgment is made only based upon one aspect!

Sadly we are all so quick in labeling, criticizing and making judgments, often without thinking about the hurt or damage, that we can do.

Always look at your moccasin tracks first before you speak of another's faults

Remember everyone is different and in that difference we are ALL unique*
Remember that we have all been on both sides of JUDGMENT...
the giving of it or the receiving it...
the accused and the accuser!

Beware though...
If you JUDGE are you:-
- are you simply subconsciously expressing your own insecurities
- do you feel inadequate, useless, worthless, hopeless...
- are you letting negativity over-shadow your thoughts, feelings and ultimately your words
are you envious or jealous of another's qualities... possessions... life style, etc., and feel wanting about your own?
are you seemingly defending yourself, biting back at hurt that has been done to you?

The list of WHY we JUDGE can go-on-and-on!
There can be many reasons as to why we let ourselves engage in this act...
the act of being judgmental.

Hey... it is okay to have your opinions... there are always two sides to a story and it is within your rights to voice these as they are different from judgments but...
 voicing opinions and being judgmental can be the same thing as well.

If you voice your opinion and it is about someone or something which is completely baseless...

There is little difference between us all but...
that little difference can make a big difference!

What is that little difference and what about that big difference you ask?

The little difference  is ATTITUDE but...
the big difference is whether that ATTITUDE is POSITIVE or NEGATIVE!

If you find yourself being JUDGMENTAL do not despair! 
Become aware and acknowledge your thoughts and feelings - try to do this before you speak - noting the negativity of this behaviour.
This is the KEY! 

Picture how would your life be different if you started thinking positive thoughts about those people and things that you encounter - 

Let TODAY be the day that you start to:-
 Look for the good... 
the positive in everyone you meet! 
Start consciously respecting differences and... 
People's journey through life and...

Start consciously respecting your difference too!

Do not let yourself be a victim of negative thoughts... remember that they are thoughts not your reality! Do not let them destroy you! Do not let JUDGMENTAL HABITS overtake and bury you within their dark clouds of malice!

We need to realize that everyone marches to their own beat so...
find your own beat and march proudly out of sync with others!

Dear friends

I know how easy it is to JUDGE and there are many reason WHY! But know when it is time to let go and remove all that negativity from your life... let go and become open to love!

Live in peace 

Have a look at my blog entry on 'Walking our own way'


My first inspirational book - 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey', (Published in 2016) is available through Balboa Press:-
and Amazon

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Top Female Executives, Professionals & Entrepreneurs

Wednesday, 30 March 2016



People talk about a CARBON FOOTPRINT
'they' talk about a GREEN FOOTPRINT
WHO talks about their PERSONAL FOOTPRINTS?

(Ruth Anne Caukwell)

The other day I went for a walk along the beach and a sea gull caught my eye - it was tugging at a huge clump of seaweed dragged up by the tide. 

As I moved closer I noticed the bird's footprints - evenly placed and going in a straight line, heading directly towards where it was now. 

The seagull definitely knew its goal so had gone steadfastly towards it, stepping neatly and decisively while on its journey.

 When I neared the bird it noticed me and immediately started running away - I watched it go and then stopped a little away off .

I stopped too as... something else had caught my eye!

 It was the seagulls FOOTPRINTS!

Instead of being evenly spaced and in a direct line they were now wider apart and deeper, their edges rough and haphazard!

I glanced again at the first set of prints and then again at the second - those where it was running from me and... I realized that they were telling me a story!

These FOOTPRINTS were telling not just a story about a bird at two points of time in its life but...
they were telling me a PERSONAL STORY of how that particular bird felt and acted during each moment!

Its FOOTPRINTS had left their imprint.... not only in time but also on me!

Thinking this I turned around and looked at...
my own footprints in the sand.

They were pretty even and straight, as I had been walking casually whilst making my way to the seaweed...

I knew where I was headed so had made my way there.

I thought for a moment and then started running and jumping before stopping and turning around again.


My FOOTPRINTS were wider apart and deeper and where I had jumped they cut a very deep groove in the sand!

Wow... I had an aha moment!

I stood there and asked myself...


Had they been decisive and in a straight line or...

had they meandered through life not knowing where to go?

Had they cut deep and were they full of rough edges?

Had my steps left a positive or negative impression or... a mixture of both?

WHO and WHAT had been affected by my imprints in time?

Impossible questions to answer, as none of us really know:

Who we touch;

How we touch them and;

what is given or taken away as we keep in-step and,
 alongside and...
 past each person who COMES in and either passes through or, stays in our life

What about yourself?

What do your personal footprints say about you.....

what do they say about your life...

 ten years ago...

your last year....

your last month and...

your yesterday....?

What will your personal footprints look like from today as you walk into the future of your tomorrow?

What will they say about you as you leave each day and move on towards another?

What do you want them to say?

That choice is yours as only you can dictate your own path and the kind of footprints you leave behind!

Do not dwell on your past footprints as...
they have been washed away by the tide of life!

Do not dwell on whatever imprint they left as...
 they cannot be undone!

walk forward and walk tall!

Walk with confident, straight and positive footprints...
leave any deep, rough and negative footprints behind!


My dear friends
my hope for you all is... as you take each personal footstep, in your journey of life, that they will ...

Face the sun, alive and full of energy...
dance in harmony and love with others...
be courageous,
reflect  the truth of who you are!

Remember... the manner in which you walk through life  is your most important responsibility,
the FOOTSTEPS that you leave behind will tell your own personal story1

written in love 


My first inspirational book - 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey', (Published in 2016) is available through Balboa Press:-
and Amazon

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World Wide Branding – VIP member -
Top Female Executives, Professionals & Entrepreneurs

Saturday, 26 March 2016

Portrait of a Lady...!

Portrait of a Lady...!
Recently I heard a man say that he only knew one woman who was a real lady...!
I was offended, because...
I myself am a real lady who respects her own self worth and acts accordingly!
I know many women who too, are ladies - my mother is definitely one of them and instilled in me the value of having manners; self respect both for myself and others and; to appreciate the difference in everyone and... accept who they are!
Being a true lady is not having money, being beautiful or being the 'belle of the ball'!
Being a true lady is...
 valuing and knowing your self worth and that of others,
having a truthful, kind and gentle spirit and... asking for and giving respect!
These are the attributes of a lady!
I do not need to be stronger or more capable than you nor,
do I need to prove just who I am to you.
I am a precious soul and a nurturer of life - the one holds who the future and tomorrows of life.
I am a one who is just as important as you but in a different way -
I think,
I feel,
I have aspirations and,
I am alive  just as you, so...
open your eyes and see me for who and what I am.
I am a woman and a LADY too!

I write an inspirational blog – RuAnCa
and have the following:-
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My inspirational facebook page -
World Wide Branding – VIP member -
Top Female Executives, Professionals & Entrepreneurs
My first inspirational book - 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey', (Published in 2016) is available through Balboa Press:-
and Amazon

Friday, 25 March 2016

Do you have a dream?

Dreams are for free but in reality they are NOT!
As, belief in yourself, hard work and perseverance are the keys to get you where... you dream to be!
Do you have a dream?
Do you dream to do something that you have had in your mind for days, months or years even?
So...why have you not done it, what is stopping you?
"I don't know," you might say, "Oh, many things..." or "How can I?"
those self doubters (negative self talk and beliefs) play a part - I am too old, too tired, it is too hard, what's the use, I am not good enough, I do not have the confidence, I am afraid of failure, I do not know how...,
Or is it just 'life' itself that dictates - I do not enough money, not have much education, I have children, my partner/spouse will not let me, I am married, I am a woman/man/teenager, 
There are many things that stop our dreams and yes, many of them are internal beliefs, but, some are just down-right excuses and... yes some are the reality that we are living in!  All these aspects can and do form a part in that which hinders us from carrying out what is essentially part of our being -
If there were no dreams the world be stop as, it is those dreams which become a reality that changes what is and has been!
Yes... I do know about those stoppers* and yes... they have stopped me too!
 Yes... it takes a lot of courage and belief to step out from those internal fears, self-talk and negative tapes!**
And, YES... reality can and does dictate but throughout our journey of life each of us will be faced with obstacles - some real (such as finances), some imagined (such as fears) and some out of your control (society)! Do not let this stop you as within yourself you have the capability of overcoming and, part of that overcoming is the realization that you have CHOICES!***
Choices alter your life even if it is at a 'minute' level! So start believing that you can and will make achieve your dream for each change, and each step (no matter how small) can and will, change your life - if you let it, so...
"Believe in your dreams, believe in your happy ending, for it is in your hands. You are the author of your own story.
Go forth and follow your dreams!' (c)****

'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey' - takes you on a journey of self discovery! It is a blue print for your life and helps you to realize that you have an inner strength upon which you can free, help it to blossom and ultimately, let it lead you where you want to be in your life, so...
Do you have a dream...?
If so go out and grab it, today, as it is those dreams fulfilled that made our world yesterday and what it is today!
*   Refer to chapter 2 in 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey' - 'The Stoppers in our lives'
**   Refer to chapter 5 in 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey' - 'Self-esteem - what are your values?'
*** Refer to chapter 10 in 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey' - 'Choices, chances and changes'
**** Quoted from Chapter one of 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey'  - 'Do you have a dream?'
My first inspirational book ‘Musings of a Blogger – Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey’- (Published in 2016) is available through Balboa Press:-
and all Amazon stores
Plus, refer to my website for further details of where you can physically buy 'Musings' in New Zealand and on-line around the world –
 I write an inspirational blog – RuAnCa
and have the following:-
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My inspirational facebook page -
World Wide Branding – VIP member -
Top Female Executives, Professionals & Entrepreneurs

Musings of a Blogger: Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey by ...

Thursday, 24 March 2016

The Web of Life

The Web of Life
The web of life is so very intricate and, sadly, we make it even more so!
We try to fill every second with busyness, so much so that there is no time for ourselves - oh we might sit down but we are:
watching television,
on the computer,
playing on-line games,
on our cell phones...

The web of life is so very intricate with each of us being connected to each other, but, sadly, many times we:
do not see...
do not feel and...
do not want to know of that connection!
We are too busy...
too tired and...
too centered on our OWN life - have our own problems, worries and stresses...
to bother or to even realize that connection!

Each of us is connected by a thread of life and, without that connection the web would be broken, so...
next time that you are too busy...
too tired or...
just too tied up with your OWN life, remember,
that one day soon you may need that connected thread as...
it may just save you in some way!

My first inspirational book ‘Musings of a Blogger – Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey’- (Published in 2016) is available through Balboa Press:-
and Amazon
 I write an inspirational blog – RuAnCa
and have the following:-
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My inspirational facebook page -
World Wide Branding – VIP member -
Top Female Executives, Professionals & Entrepreneurs

Saturday, 19 March 2016

The Marble not yet Carved....!

The Marble not yet Carved...!
"The marble not yet carved can hold the form of every thought the greatest artist has"
spoken by Michelangelo
There is a true story about a boy and Michelangelo:-
"Why are you working so hard on chipping away on that block of marble?" a small boy asked Michelangelo one day as he watched the master carefully and painstakingly chiseling away.
Michelangelo thought for a moment then replied, "There is an angel inside of this rock and I am just setting him free!"
that Angel was to become Michelangelo's greatest masterpiece -  'David'
This incredible ability of vision is what allowed Michelangelo to create!
He could see... visualize and realize his dreams - can you?
Vision is powerful as it opens up your eyes so that you can see a potential masterpiece, not only in what is overlooked or considered worthless by others but...
it enables you to discover aspects of yourself contained within, that you never realized, or believed, could exist!
Having a power of vision for yourself, and others, enables the following:-
But... without Passion life becomes heavy and filled with 'routine' - Your outlook becomes dull over time and you adopt negative beliefs about yourself, your life and even others! 
With Passion life takes on a different slant - when you wake each morning there is that bubble within which cultivates a belief that there are amazing somethings out there, something just waiting for you to grasp... take hold off and achieve!  You adopt positive beliefs about yourself, your life and yes... even others too!
All of us have the ability to dream, we all have talents and amazing traits but how many allow themselves to step out and just 'go-for-it'! How many live safely because of:-
fear, guilt, blame, hatred, unbelief in themselves, people, the past.... this list can go on-and-on!
Too often we let 'life' become our motive for non-action and we use it for an excuse to compromise and let those wonderful dreams and talents stagnate and fade away...!
When you look back on your 'life' will it be with regret!
Yes... 'life' can and does dictate and hold us in its throes - forever if we let it but only for a short time if we do not! So, step out of 'life' and do not let it shape, mold and form you any longer, get motivated,  cultivate your power of vision and shape your own life and... become who you were born to be!
Let your power of vision give you direction and in turn, the purpose to start out on your path (and not wander about aimlessly) but keep to itCultivate your 'life' as you would with your garden - rid yourself of weeds (negativity - fears, the past, etc.,) and let your inner flowers (positivity - your character, talents, self-belief, etc.,) grow and blossom!
Let your vision lead you in your right direction, let it feed your purpose and give you the power to 'make' things happen!
You are important...
You are unique and...
Your life matters so CHOOSE to shape, mold and form your own 'life' now! 
Just as living hands shaped, molded and formed 'life' into a seemingly useless lump of marble you too,
just like this lump of marble are shaped, molded and formed by 'life'!
You can let the master, 'life' itself,
shape and mold you into the form that it wants or you can choose to take a form of your own!
Do not let 'life' form you into something that you are not...
Do not let 'life'  have the power to keep in a unwanted state!
You have the power of vision contained within...
all you need to do is open your eyes, believe it is so and you will see how your life can be changed into a thing of love and beauty! 
Do you want to change your life? Do you want to step out and claim it now?
If so, take a journey with me to find your amazing authentic self...
'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey', (Published in 2016) is available through Balboa Press:-
and Amazon
I write an inspirational blog – RuAnCa
and have the following:-
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My inspirational facebook page -
World Wide Branding – VIP member -
Top Female Executives, Professionals & Entrepreneurs

Saturday, 12 March 2016

Do you Value your Gifts...?

Do you value your gifts...?
Each of us has our own gifts and talents but how many times do we, you and I, waste them because of looking at what others have!
Are you looking at another and wishing what they did you could do...?
Are you hankering after a gift or talent that another has, so much so, that you do not see your own...?
You are an individual and there is no-one else like you!
You have your own special gifts and talents that are unique to you!
You are special no matter what you or anyone else might think!
So what if someone can:-
sing, paint, write, play music, can act, or...!
So what if someone can do what you would love to do... wish to do... but cannot!
Look inwards to yourself and spend some time recognizing and then acknowledging what you can do:-
is it listening, being kind, helping others, gardening, cooking or...?
Do not wish for something that is not you as, all that is worth cherishing you will find in your own heart and not in what others are!
Wishing can be soul destroying and you are worth far more than that:-
W = Wasting
Do not waste your time wishing as you will be wasting your now in vain...
hopes, regrets and wanting what is not yours!
Instead look for and find your own gifts and talents as they are there just beneath your surface!
I = Inhibiting
Do not inhibit your life in wishing to be like another as they are who they are and you are who you are.
You are meant to be who you are - the unique you - so...
rejoice in being the 'one and only' you!
S = Stopping
Do not stop yourself from being happyfulfilled and simply amazing by wishing you had another's gifts and talents!
Do you realize that there will be others out there just like you, wishing that they had your gifts and talents, so...
use your time not wishing, but working on what you can do with gratitude!
H = Half-a-life
Yes, in wishing you are only living half-a-life!
The time that you are spending in wishing could be spent in doing! Doing what it is that is uniquely you and if you do not know what it is spend that 'wishing' time finding out!
I = Ignoring
By wishing you are ignoring yourself, your brilliant and wonderful self!
Why would you want to be as another when you are special just the way you are! There is only one of you in the whole world, the whole universe and hey that is amazing!
Do not ignore you, be proud of you!
N = Negating
Yes just as you are ignoring who you are when wishing to be as another you are also negating your gift and talents and what you can give to the world, those around you and those whom you love!
So stop negating yourself now!
Instead give what and who you are and not a copy of someone else!
G = Going nowhere
When you look around at others, want what they have, or wish to be who they are you are going nowhere! Oh yes you go about your daily life, go through the motions of living but... are you really living your life to the full?
Time is precious so spend every minute growing, learning and gaining wisdom!  
If time is spent wishing then time is wasted then time is spent going nowhere, so do not halt your life as, nowhere means standing still and...
what a waste! 
Be who you are and love being you!
Be proud of yourself and not wish to be another!
And, use what talents that are innately yours as...
 how silent the world would be if only those birds with the sweetest voices sang!
I write an inspirational blog – RuAnCa
and have the following:-
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My inspirational facebook page -
World Wide Branding – VIP member -
Top Female Executives, Professionals & Entrepreneurs
My first inspirational book - 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey', (Published in 2016) is available through Balboa Press:-
and Amazon (available at all Amazon stores world wide plus many other on-line stores)