Saturday 13 February 2016

Love, Peace and Happiness

Love, Peace and Happiness
If someone could look past your outer 'shell' and into your heart...
what would they see?
Would they be dazzled by the light dancing there...
the light of love, peace and happiness,
would they see something else reflected there?
We each have those things that cast a shadow and scar our heart for always,
if we let these things darken our soul and change the very essence of our inner self  a personal tragedy occurs!
Life is comprised of opposites:-
love and hate,
peace and turmoil...
happiness and sadness!
All of these reflect both the good and the bad and...
the light and dark of life!
This is a given which, we must accept but... must let the shadows of any hate, turmoil and sadness go!
We must if we want our heart be filled with love,
with peace and with happiness.
So concentrate on cultivating the light, (which is always here even if hidden for a time), burst forth and shine brightly...
 so brightly that it dazzles and engulfs any remnants of hurt, pain and sorrow!
You were meant to shine so lighten your heart now, and more each day...
as, you are so very worth it!
May the light Shinning through from the window of your heart reflect...
love, peace and happiness!
check out my blog posts on:-
What is Love...?

and:- Look for your Inner Beauty!

and: How can You Run on Empty...?

My an inspirational blog – RuAnCa
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My Tumblr page -
My inspirational facebook page -
World Wide Branding – VIP member -
My first inspirational book - 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey', (Published in 2016) is available through Balboa Press:-
and Amazon

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