Your Tears...!
Tears are silent waters running from your soul.
Tears are silent words speaking from your heart.
Tears are your way of telling another just how you feel...
now matter what that might be!
Tears are healing waters, regardless of whether they are...
falling in pain,
falling in hurt,
falling in despair!
Tears are healing waters, regardless of whether they are...
falling in happiness,
falling in joy,
falling in ecstasy!
So, do not ever stem the flow of your tears nor be ashamed that they fall, for...
tears are a wonder!
There are times when tears are needed for healing, so...
just let them flow!
Tears are for a reason, so...
just let them flow.
Tears are for a reason and...
the reason is, that, tears are healing waters as they become streams meandering down your face.
T = Time: Take the time to let those tears flow as they release all those pent up feelings.
Take time to be who you are - a human being not a machine... a wonderful, unique person who has a 'right' to voice your emotions...
E = Emotions: Emotion contained within, if negative, leads to hopelessness, unhappiness and stress! Emotion contained within, if positive, should not be held to one's self but expressed in happiness and joy.
Emotion released leads to self-acknowledgement and a voicing of inner thoughts and feelings if time is taken to just 'be'!
A = Amazing: Tears are amazing as they are part of you! Each tear is uniquely yours, each tear forms into a stream of running water and becomes an expression of your inner self!
Tears are amazing because they can replace words...
Tears are amazing because they are silent yet speak volumes!
R = Real: Tears are real because...
they are raw, remembering, they can reach others, they are reactionary and yes they are part of YOUR reality!
S = Soul: The words of your soul are expressed in the only way they can be... through your tears, whether the words that flow are from happiness or from sorrow, it is your inner self speaking!
Your soul is you, your inner core!
Your tears are expressions of your very being so,
let them flow...
let them speak and let them heal!
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My first inspirational book - 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey', (Published in 2016) is available through Balboa Press:-
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