The Mouse, the Cat, the Dog and the Tiger...!
There was once a mouse who was terrified of cats and lived in fear of being caught and eaten by one.
He cowered in his home living a-half a life.
One day a Magician who was visiting him, after much pleading by the mouse, agreed to change him into a cat.
Wow this was great, or so the mouse-turned-cat thought until...
he met a dog!
After much pleading the Magician again agreed to change his form but this time into a dog.
Wow this was great, or so the mouse-turned-cat-turned-dog thought until...
he met a tiger!
The mouse-turned-cat-turned-dog pleaded and pleaded with the Magician to once again help him by changing his form into a tiger and, so he did!
Wow this was great, or so the mouse-turned-cat-turned-dog-turned-tiger thought until...
he met a hunter!
The mouse-turned-cat-turned-dog-turned-tiger pleaded and pleaded and pleaded with the Magician to once again help him by changing his form into a hunter!
This time the Magician refused to, instead...
he told him, "I have changed you into what you have feared time-and-time again but to no avail, as even though you now have the body of a tiger you still have the heart of a mouse" and then...
the Magician changed the mouse-turned-cat-turned-dog-turned-tiger BACK into a MOUSE
(A legend from India)
Even though you seem are fearless and full of confidence on the outside are you trembling on your inside...
Is this you?
Have you built a wall which you hide behind, one that protects you from your life, other people and your past?
Yes, on the outside are you a tiger but, on the inside you feel like a mouse?
Do you growl like a tiger using words and might...
do you pounce like a tiger using force...
do you seek security in 'things' or seek power, wealth, fame and status just like the mighty majestic tiger?
But all the while you are hiding your fear, your insecurities, your loathing, hatred, worthlessness and how... you really feel - you DO NOT feel brave in side but scared and lost...!
Do you feel like this and is this you?
Realize that you can hide behind your wall forever but will you live a life?
Do not let fear control you as fear makes you lost and destroys who you truly are instead...
step out from behind your wall - it takes courage and inner strength but you DO have the courage there inside - just believe that you do and you will find it!
It takes a huge strength and commitment to overcome and step out from our fears BUT, it is up to you to play the major part in that journey or you will never truly overcome. This is sometimes the hardest thing you will ever do but it is so very worth it and you really can do it!!
My upcoming inspirational book (released late January 2016) - 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey' has:
10 chapters of Inspirational Words (each chapter discusses a theme) and a 10 chapter workbook (which relates back to each previous 10 chapters) then Reader's Group Questions. The whole aspect of my book discusses how to face and overcome, then, dealing with issues in our life through practical and sensible ways - very much what is wanted and needed in today's world of tragedy!
Below is a quote from my book:
If we are brave enough to face those things that make us afraid we can face our fears that so much better…
If we are brave enough to face those things which hurt we can face our hurts with triumph!
The fear then… will not creep into our lives nor will the hurt over take…
We will be free to step forwards with courage and find out that we are BRAVER than we think!
Step out my friends and find your TRUE SELF!
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