Do You Have the Power of Vision?
We go about our daily living focused in the 'now' - that very moment, hour and day - and so often do not 'see' or recognize how important what we do, each day, truly is...!
Those routines, the mundane and the usual ho-hum of our everyday seem so unimportant at the time we are living in it,
do you have the power of vision to see just how vital what you do, is within the larger picture of your life?
Can you take the minutiae of any given second, hour or day of your life and see how important each word, feeling, emotion and action really is?
What you do today matters so very much as it is the determining factor of ALL your tomorrows, so, recognize how necessary 'the now' is for your future?
Oh there is nothing glamorous about those routines, the mundane and the usual ho-hum of our everyday but,
when you recognize just how important each millisecond of your life is and when you open your eyes and clear your vision...
you will find a renewed purpose because, VISION will open up your life.
Vision brings a focus to your world as never before!
Open up your eyes and reflect upon what you do, as, without travelling through the seconds you will not reach the next minute and next hour of each new day!
Your seconds are like the sandbags of a levee which, when built into a wall will save a city against the ravages of a raging river but, without them there would be nothing saved - the flood waters will overcome! The drudgery of filling those sandbags is dirty, hard work, and seemingly useless but, the building of a levee which saves a city gives new meaning to such drudgery!
Life is like that - your seconds might be filled with routines and the mundane, but without them your life would not be lived as...
each thing you say, do and feel, within those seconds, is connected to your future so, open your eyes and...
see those everyday seconds - the routines, the mundane and the usual ho-hum as the sandbags of your life - the building of a levee to your future.
Yes, see your everyday seconds through a different LENS...
one sharpened by VISION!
Do you have the power of vision because when you do everything has a new meaning, direction and purpose, so much so that...
life becomes just amazing!
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