Monday, 30 March 2015

The Masks we Wear

We all at some time or another wear a mask - not a physical mask but a social mask - one that we put on before leaving the house to disguise or hide what we are truly feeling inside.

The Reader's Digest Oxford Complete Wordfinder defines 'Mask' as: a covering for all or part of the face: a disguise or: a concealment (of one's feelings).

Why do we feel we have to don that mask? Why can we not be ourselves, rather, why do we feel that we just cannot be ourselves? And why do we not have enough faith in ourselves to believe that we are just as good as the next person?
Norman Vincent Peale says such true words:-
Believe in yourself!
Have faith in your abilities!
Without a humble but
reasonable confidence
in you own powers you
cannot be successful or happy.
(Norman Vincent Peale)
Yes, all of us can wear a mask to hide such things as:
a fear of not fitting in:-
at a party, in a social setting,
at work, in a business meeting,
in the class room and, 
sadly even in our own family
of hiding the truth of:-
being abused,
lack of confidence,
grief and expressing that grief to others,
being sick,
being unfaithful,
the list goes on-and-on!
Why are we afraid and wear these masks?
Are we afraid of being hurt further?
Of not fitting in?
 Of being belittled?
Are we ashamed? 
Inside we can be crying, lonely, heartbroken and full of despair
on the outside we are carefree, laughing and happy-go-lucky!
We all wear a thousand faces
and hide the one that's real,
we present an unruffled composure
and don't show what we feel.
Beneath that smiling exterior
we hide our hurts and fears,
we shy away from contact
just because it hurts.
We chat amiably to each other
not really caring to dig,
we feel we cannot deal with
the hurts that we'd reveal.
But dear friend God gave us
the gift, through love, to heal
if we would truly listen
and look behind the mask.
A hug, a word, a moment shared
sometimes that's all that's needed.
The springs break-up, the hurt is healed
so let us really listen
 hear what is not said
use our hearts compassion
to show someone we care.
(Marie Caukwell - copyright)
As caring people we should look behind the facade that people present and not take them at face value.
Instead, it need only take us a moment to
behind that smile, laughter, brightness
and then
 we might see pain, unhappiness, loneliness or some other hurt.
It need only take us a moment to forget ourselves and see the mask that is being worn,
the mask that is hiding or covering up something.
we can give a hug,
hold a hand,
 say a kind word
be there for that person.

The call to
is a reminder that our worth
comes not from the amount
of our involvements,
achievements, or possessions,
but from the
which we bring to each moment,
place, and person in our lives
(Richard A,Bower)
Dear friends
my hope for you today, and everyday, is that if you are wearing a mask throw it away and let us meet  each other face-to-face with honesty and compassion. Have the confidence to be who you are -go out there and embrace YOU! Embrace your personality, looks, feelings and your whole life. If you need support do not be afraid to seek it, if you are hurting do not be afraid to say so and KNOW that YOU are worth it! You are worth it!
take care

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