A Letter for You Mum...!
This morning I crept into your bedroom - your head was on the pillow and your eyes were shut tight, fast asleep. Looking at you lying there with the blankets pulled up to your beautiful, serene face I felt a cascade of love cross my heart as the memories crowded in but, sadly, I remembered that you were not wanted, were abused and put out to work at fourteen.... the harsh lessons that you had to learn, the things that you saw and the tears that were shed only made your resolve to have, and be, the best for your family!
You were never unkind, harsh, hateful, selfish and resentful - the opposite in fact, always forgiving, gracious, accepting and loving!
How many times did you go without or accept second-best putting your six children and husband first.
You were always up before the dawn, lighting the fire and making the lunches so all would be warm and ready when we got up.
The hours you spent cooking, sewing, growing a garden, cleaning the house and budgeting so that your family had the best of what you could give.
I remember the soft touch of your hand across my brow, the reassuring words you spoke when I felt the fears of growing up and, never more especially so when I was going through tough and sad times.
I remember the many hugs, fun and laughter, the times of exploration and discovery and the many hours-and-hours of talking about everything! I learnt so much from you and confided in you without a fear of being torn down - your friendship and acceptance has become the mainstay in my life!
Mum, I have seen you overcome so many, many things - the death of your mum when you were 20, dad at 54 (granddad in the same year), and sister Dianne at 38 - both taken in their prime and far too early.
Mum, I have seen the tears running down your face in sorrow and loneliness as circumstances out of your control dictated your life. I do not know how you survived and yet you have - though with each adversity your spirit was worn just that little bit more - but mum, somehow your strength has always seen you through.
Mum as I watch you lying there, deep in your dreams, I lean down to kiss your brow, just as you have done to me so many times, and know that I will always be there for you no matter what, as it is because of you I know about forgiveness and letting go, acceptance and moving on, kindness and understanding and, of course... true love.
I am not a mother but I know what it is like to be a daughter!
I am not a wife but I still know what it is like to be special in someone's eyes - in your eyes... a mothers eyes.
Thank you mum - You brought me into this world, taught me so many things and that is why I am what and who I am, all because of you...
Mum I love you!
from your daughter Ruth, xx
My first inspirational book - 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey', (Published in 2016) is available through Balboa Press:-
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World Wide Branding – VIP member - http://www.worldwidebranding.com/Ruth%20Anne-Caukwell
Top Female Executives, Professionals & Entrepreneurs http://topfemaleexecutives.com/2016/02/16/ruth-anne-caukwell/
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