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Welcome everyone – the weekend starts here!
I’d like to introduce you all to author
Ruth Anne Caukwell.
She is a very inspirational and motivational lady who is doing a lot of great things for empowering women and giving them confidence, support and timeless wisdom.
I’m really looking forward to hearing more from her and I’m sure you will all enjoy listening to her too.
Time to begin the interview.
Hi there Ruth, thank you for being my guest here today.
Let’s start with your blog and the reason that I asked to have you here because you are a very inspirational woman. Tell us more about what motivated you to create the blog and to provide the wisdom within it to help others.
I set up my inspirational blog, RuAnCa.blogspot.co.nz, which I started in January 2015, after I had gone through a soul-destroying period of adult bullying, one from which I thought I would never recover.
Time and support did heal me, though, and because of these experiences, I learned a lot about myself—who I thought I was, not who I really was!
I had prided myself that I was a strong woman able to cope with anything. I had come out of a number of traumatic events earlier in my life and had moved on.
Little did I realize that all I had done was bury my hurt, pain, and authentic self through busyness and work and was living with a sense of numbness behind a thick wall of self-preservation?
The bullying was the straw that broke the camel’s back, and I was broken both physically and mentally.
As I started to heal, I was inspired to write my blog and e-books about women.
My blog took off, and I found myself part of a network of people who appreciated and were supported by my heartfelt words.
Suddenly, I felt like a caterpillar released from my own chrysalis—a chrysalis of hurt, pain, and hiding—and I was ready to fly above the ugliness of those people who would trample me down. I was ready to fly like a butterfly, high above, into the clouds of life, and burst forth from my chrysalis of hurt, but changed and renewed, ready to live again!
From my blog my book, “Musings of a Blogger Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey” came into being.
At the start of this year you published a book called “Musings of a Blogger: Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey”. You also have two other books (An Anthology of Three Women: A Mother’s Love and Sacrifice for Her Children & An Anthology of Three Women – 2: Unveiling the True Essence of a Woman) written about women for women.
Please give us more insight into all three of them and what kind of advice we can expect to find in them.
The main concept in my book, “Musings of a Blogger” concentrates on finding your authentic self.
The series of ten chapters (of inspirational words), followed by a workbook (ten chapters also relating to the inspirational chapters), gives readers the opportunity (through the words and tools contained in the workbook) to discover the source of their own strength and the truth about their own life.
‘The Parable of the Butterfly’ (one of two important themes running throughout the book and the source behind the illustrations of ‘The Hexagon of Life’ – the second theme) illustrates the concept of finding and utilizing one’s own strength within the journey of finding authenticity.
The repeated design, The Hexagon of Life’, consists of a hexagon with tipped points, dots around the outside, and a butterfly within is very symbolic and together make up a profound image and clear meaning for one’s life.
Each of the hexagon’s six sides represents a vital part of existence and when combined forms the basis of a well-rounded life:
• physical • spiritual • emotional • relationships and social • leisure • environment
Within our life one or more of these components may be missing, reflected in a negative way, or detrimental to our physical and mental well-being—or maybe there is a period where we are faced with extra stress, such as any of the following:
• eating an unhealthy diet and/or not exercising
• not taking time out to relax and do anything we enjoy doing
• being involved in an abusive relationship
• having a loved one die
• losing a job
If, and when, this is the case, the hexagon will not be a hexagon.
The same goes for life. If one of these components is out of sync or missing, there will be an unbalance—a gap—thereby leaving us vulnerable, defenseless, and open to hurt, pain, suffering, and living an unhealthy life, either mentally physically or both.
My book assists readers in working towards having a balanced life, or ‘hexagon’, by looking inwards, discovering where their own strength lies and how to utilize that strength so as to live an authentic life!
My book gives the reader the opportunity to discover that the struggle to break free from whatever their ‘bonds’ might be is what gives them the strength to live a true fulfilling life – it is a beginning them finding their authentic self!
I wrote my two Anthologies before I wrote my book – they contain three short stories each about women who go through circumstances which can shape them one way or another.
‘An Anthology of Three Women’ three separate stories are:- The Dilemma, The Choice and The Betrayal all portray a snapshot of three different women as they each face their own predicament – a heart wrenching sacrifice, a disappearance solved but with tragic consequences, and a love built upon false foundations.
‘An Anthology of Three Women 2’ continues on from ‘An Anthology of Three Women’ in that it is again compiled of three separate stories, The Dove, The Defenseless and The Nobody.
Each short story involves a different woman as they journey through an adversity – one who faces and comes to terms with a death of a child; one who experiences and becomes triumphant in the face of bullying and; a lost teenager who chooses a downward trail of destruction as a means of coping with her changing life.
Heartbreak and powerful emotions are pivotal to all the plots of each story with the characters facing not only their demons but issues that women throughout the world face daily. Seemingly unthinkable tragedy has shaped their lives, either over time or within a snapshot, changing them forever.
Anticipation moves the reader along as the fast-moving narrative captures their imagination with each character, each journey and each moving conclusion leaving a lasting impression.
What do you find the most difficult thing about writing? And what do you find the easiest?
The most difficult thing about writing is that there is not enough time in the day!
I work part-time as a teacher which generates some work I do at home plus I with a home to run there are those chores, etc. But in saying that I am fortunate that I can just sit down and write – words flow as I write from experiences both those hurtful and adverse ones plus those wonderful and happy ones.
I have come on such a journey of my own, one that I have learnt from, gained wisdom and where I have become stronger that I just want to share so much with others – life can be wonderful even if there is adversity and sadness mixed in!
All about choices (this is a big theme in my writing as with my own life too).
Who are some of the authors in general that inspire you?
Louise Hay, Suzanne Maher, J.R. Tolkien, Rhonda Byrne, Shakespeare, John Milton, Dag Hammarskjold & Max Lucado just to name a few!
What sort of research do you do to write your books?
I myself had to face, deal with and overcome (I have written what I went through in the introduction of my book) – and in doing so learned about myself (and others) in the process.
I used many strategies but all those (and the ideas, suggestions, etc.,) found in my book I ‘trialed’ and found were the ones that assisted me so greatly! I had to work through deep depression and face issues not only due to adult bullying (which occurred in 2015) but realized that ‘things’ from the past I had not really and truly dealt with either – they were buried deep behind my ‘wall’.
I just started writing my inspirational blog and posting on-line and the ideas and thoughts poured out… what a healing for me and I worked so very hard to deal with and find strategies (even though I had support which I was very dubious of asking for – but did!)
People in today’s society have to face so much due to the fact that life is so busy, stressful and can sometimes be a frightening world to live in.
This effects people in many ways and will emerge as fears, anxiety, depression, sadness, loneliness and loss of hope – so much so that they look for answers outwardly not realizing that the answer they seek is found within themselves…!
My book, blog and other writings, with their inspirational words (and work book – in my book) will give readers the opportunity, and tools, to look within themselves and find some answers!
Why do you write? What inspired you to become a writer?
I write to inspire others to be the ‘best that they can be’.
I write from my own personal experience and from the heart. I want to encourage readers to step-out, start and continue on their journey of life seeking and learning about themselves and who they really are!
I want readers to realize that life is not hopeless… that no matter what issue/s overwhelm us there is always an answer – we just need to look for it and we can!
I want my readers to realize that hey yes, they can ask for help from others… and should do if they need too but, ultimately, it is up to each of us individually to find, and use, one’s own inner strength to overcome – just like the butterfly in the chrysalis we need the struggle of life to realize and know where our strength lies and when we do we will start on a journey of finding out who we really are – we will find our authentic self!
What keeps you motivated during creative slumps? How do you deal with Writers Block?
As I mentioned earlier I really do not have any slumps as I am inspired by so many things – I sit by the sea, watch the waves, birds and sunrise.
I drive to the mountains, go for walks or just sit in my back yard…. These are all such inspirational things to me that I just write, jot down things (in my note books) all the time – this gives me a lot of material.
Or I just sit down and write!
How do you spend your free time when you are not writing?
I do so much – I love reading, walking, being in nature, I paint (mostly animals), play my music (I play a number of music instruments), do crosswords or jigsaw puzzles and of course I socialize with friends!
Tell us more about your upcoming projects. Are you working on anything specific or have plans in the pipeline?
I am one of these people whose mind just buzzes with ideas…
But I am a realist and know what is realistic and what is not at that time.
I am currently writing my second book (a book which will have saying for each day and then an inspirational blurb under it), then I want to write fantasy with an inspirational twist to it plus I want to write and illustrate children’s books (this is a future project).
A big dream of mine is to do public speaking on overcoming adversity and stepping out beyond the hurt and pain to lead and live the best life possible!
Finally, are there any nuggets of wisdom that you can impart to other aspiring writers?
Believe in who you are and never let anyone dash your hopes and dreams – ultimately, if you do not believe in yourself no one else will!
On the practical side – learn/know your craft and your audience!
You can find your authentic self—the choice is yours.
You were born great. You were born authentic.
You were born with everything you need because you are you.
You are an individual.
You are unique and nobody else can be you, so believe in yourself and take those steps forwards.
Go out there and make your journey of life your own!
Ruth Anne Caukwell ©
(Musings of a Blogger Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey)
Thank you for those wonderful words of inspiration Ruth, we appreciate it and your time spent with us today.
Ruth was born in Christchurch New Zealand when her family moved to Tauranga when she was eight, Samoa when she was 16 and then onto Brisbane Australia when she was 17.
She achieved her first degree, Bachelor of Modern Asian Studies, at Griffith University, Brisbane plus, the following diplomas: Diploma of Freelance Journalism; Diploma of Commercial Art; Diploma of Creative Writing; a Business Diploma; a Proofreading and Editing Diploma, 2014 – 2015.
Her other writing goals are to continue writing for adults plus illustrate and write children’s books.
She is working towards becoming involved in public speaking, so that she can tell others her story and inspire them to be the best that they can be.
She is also continuing teaching (head teacher role) part-time.
Her hobbies are: playing classical music; art – painting; literature, writing and reading; history; gardening; walking/tramping and; swimming. She loves animals, especially horses, the sea and being among nature and the natural world.
You can connect to Ruth via the following Social Media platforms:-
My Inspirational blog –
RuAnCa – the inspirational blog of Ruth Anne Caukewell
My Website –
RuAnCa – Welcome to My Inspirational World
My Twitter –
ruancaRuth (Twitter)
My Instagram –
ruancaruth (Instagram)
My Tumblr page –
Ruth Anne Caukwell – Inspirational Writer (Tumblr)
My Inspirational Facebook page –
Ruth Anne Caukwell (FB)
My Gmail –
Ruth Anne Caukwell (GooglePlus)
My LinkedIn –
Ruth Caukwell (LinkedIn)
World Wide Branding (VIP member) –
Ruth Anne Caukwell (WWB)
Top Female Executives, Professionals & Entrepreneurs –
Ruth Anne Caukwell – successful women making a difference
You can buy her books here:-
Musings of a Blogger – Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey
An Anthology of Three Women: A Mother’s Love and Sacrifice for Her Children
An Anthology of Three Women – 2: Unveiling the True Essence of a Woman
or get Musings of a Blogger direct through Balboa Press here:-
Balboa Press: Musings of a Blogger – Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey
Check out Ruth's web site for other places where you can buy 'Musings of a Blogger' or write to Ruth for a signed copy...!
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