Friday, 8 July 2016

How Can You Run On Empty?

How can you run on Empty?
There was once a young man who challenged his father to a duel and he proudly boasted that he would win!
"If I win Dad, which I will, you will have to do the lawns for a week?' he laughingly told his father.
"Hmm, we'll see," was all his father replied as even though he was the elder of the two he was the more wiser.
There was some land which needed clearing for planting so the competition was to see who could chop down the most trees in a single day.
The son went 'gun-hoe' chopping down trees spending eight hours without barely a break - at the end of the day his total was twenty-five! 
The father took it far more slowly and every hour had a ten minute break - at the end of the day his total was forty trees!
His son was shocked that he had lost to his father, an older man who stopped and rested.
"How is this possible Dad?" he asked in amazement...
"Well son. Every hour for ten minutes I did two things...
rested and recharged my batteries before sharpening my axe!
Are you like the son... 
Or are you like the father?
To have success in your life, whether it is with your:
spiritual well-being
dreams and goals
or ...
you need to do two things:
1. Take time out for rest and renewal of your bodymind and soul as..
no one, not even the most strongest of people, can give, give, give without eventually burning themselves out.
Each of us needs to STOP and take time out in order to be able refuel...
you service your car, clean your house, etc., so why do you neglect to do so with your most precious asset - YOURSELF?
2. You need to stay alert and sharp as...
when you are dull mistakes are made, tiredness takes over and negativity sets in, everyday things seem to loom large and life seem to hard - this is when sickness of mind, body and soul can occur...
Those quiet, restful minutes each day WILL BE your LIFESAVER  as what is depleted by everyday living needs to be restored!
So, rest, relax, refuel and sharpen your very essence!
Stop to take a breath, a breath of each new dawn.
Stop to take a breath and make it part of you.
Yes stop to take a breath for if you do, you will find strength.
Stand quietly, relax and feel the dawning sun renew your spirit!
Then and only then you will be able to spend time finding out who you really are.... your authentic self!
My new inspirational book 
'Musings of a Blogger – Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey
will help you realize your authenticity and find out who you are
* Refer to chapter 6, 'Challenging your thought patterns' and chapter 16 of the workbook and,
* Refer to chapter 10 in 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey' - 'Choices, chances and changes' and chapter 20 of the workbook 
Below is the file of my interview...
Listen to my story and what my book is about (it will only take a few minutes) - make that CHOICE as it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
Hay House Radio - 
My book is available to purchase through on-line storesbooks shops (here in Christchurch - more coming on board) and from myself.
Check out my website – for details of where to buy!
‘Musings of a Blogger – Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey’- (Published in 2016) is available through Balboa Press:-
and all Amazon stores - 
I write an inspirational blog – RuAnCa
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