Saturday, 30 July 2016

Are You in a 'Tunnel of Uncertainly and Despair'...?

Are You in a 'Tunnel of Uncertainly and Despair'...?
There is a single one of us who does not, at one time or another, have problems - that is just the 'way-of-things'! But... the 'real' problem lies not in the 'problem' itself but in how we can handle it!
Sometimes when we are overwhelmed we try to solve adversity by ourselves and become lost in the sea of... grief, hurt, misunderstanding, loneliness and despair, when at that time what is needed is support, encouragement and understanding.
"But how do I know I need help?" you might ask.
It is when you are tired, cannot think and feel lost within a 'tunnel of uncertainty and despair', one where there seems to be no end, that is when you need to reach out your hand for guidance, a few kind words, support and love!
Do not feel too proud and do not pretend that you are okay and do not put on a mask of bravery, one which slips when you are alone...!  
Instead, ask for help for a time and know that you will be okay when you do and, know that when you are ready you can let the hand go and fly free!
Ultimately it is only you yourself who can make the decision to 'move-on' from adversity, change your attitude and step out into 'life' but, you cannot make a valued decision if the time is not right or you need help!
'Life is like a thick downy mattress, when you are lying comfortable on the top you will sleep easy, but, when you are lying underneath you will only suffocate' 
So... choose to make a choice to take a chance to change your life which you can only do when you are ready to emerge from your chrysalis of hurt - changed and renewed, and... able to and...ready to live again!
My inspirational book ‘Musings of a Blogger – Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey’ will give you the 'helping hand' and can be one of the 'tools of support' to be able to help yourself while travelling along the 'tunnel of uncertainty and despair'. As you immerse yourself within its pages, you will come to realize just how much choices,  circumstances and people influence your life, both in negative and positive ways.This is great news though as AWARENESS is the key...awareness that we all have a choice no matter how hard life is, a choice to step out from the darkness and set your wings in an upwards tilt to fly above the storm.  
If you cannot do it alone, that is okay, ask and take help and ultimately, when you are ready, you will choose to step out and beyond the shadow of the pain, hardship... others... because you CAN do it... we all can - I know from personal experience that it will happen!
Read my book and work through the workbook utilizing the tools that are applicable for you, you will learn, realize and begin a journey of self-discovery. You will start to recognize that within yourself is a wonderful, unique human being, and through perseverance, you will find your true self again—your own authentic self
How wonderful is that?
Listen to my story and what my book is about (it will only take a few minutes) - make that CHOICE as it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
‘Musings of a Blogger – Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey’ 
- Chapter two -'The stoppers in our lives' and chapter 12 of the workbook
- Chapter three - 'What is fear' and chapter 13 of the workbook
- Chapter four - 'Embrace change' and chapter 14 of the workbook
- Chapter six - 'Challenging your though patterns' and chapter 16 of the workbook
- Chapter seven - 'The Masks We Wear' and chapter 17 of workbook
- Chapter nine ' 'We can all have happiness - so just go out and grab it!' and chapter 19 and,
- Chapter 10 - 'Choices, chances and changes' and chapter 20 of the workbook.
Musings is available from myself (a signed copy - just contact me via my social media) many on-line stores and in bookshops in New Zealand (Plus, refer to my website for further details of where else it is available) - 
You can purchase it fromthe publishers, Balboa Press  
or all Amazon stores 
My website –RuAnCa
I write an inspirational blog – RuAnCa
My Tumblr page -
My inspirational facebook page -
World Wide Branding – VIP member -
op Female Executives, Professionals & Entrepreneurs -

Saturday, 23 July 2016

Are You Truly Free...?

Today my mum and I were talking and this is part of what she said to me and, it really struck home...
"If I could take all the hurts, slights, physical, mental and emotional abuse I have suffered, put them into a bag and throw them into the deepest part of the sea, I wonder how I would feel.  Would I feel I could fly as I was not carrying that burden any more or, would the remembrance of it keep my feet rooted to the ground...?"
Why would this strike home to me you might ask?
Well... if you are courageous enough to face and let your adversities go what did you do with the remembrance of them?
Did you let them go as well?
You might have put the 'act' into the bag and let it go but are you still holding onto the remembrances within your mind?
Do you continue to drag out, dredge up, think and talk about the remembrance?
If you do then sadly, these are the 'things' that will still hold you back.  All that has happened is that you have exchanged one burden (the act) for another one (the remembrance) as...
Remembrance is like the shadow of the act it ties you to the act and if not let go it will always be there - maybe not in the full sunlight but hiding just behind in the shadows ready to emerge... emerge and haunt you at any time!
The burdens of life are hard to bare without replaying the remembering tapes over-and-over again, so if you have forgiven someone and have put the 'act' away what are you doing with the remembrance? True forgiveness not only lets go of the 'act' but everything connected to it including the... remembrance
You must let the remembrance as well as the act go completely, then, and only then, can you be truly free.
My new inspirational book - 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey', (Published in 2016) is available through Balboa Press:-
and Amazon
check out the book trailer for "Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey" 
and listen to my Hay House Radio interview
"Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey" is a book which entwines a collection of inspirational thoughts with a sequence of workbook entries. By spending time sharing the musings and then reviewing one’s own life, the reader of this guide for life’s journey can set out with determination to discover life’s deep truths. Musings of a Blogger shares the story of a boy who sees a butterfly struggling to emerge from its chrysalis. Desiring to help it, he releases the butterfly, only to discover that the struggle to break free is what gives strength to the butterfly’s wings. Absent the struggle, the butterfly is too weak to fly. The workbook gives shape to one’s struggle, serving to build strength so that one may fly gloriously like a healthy butterfly. By sharing this journey with the author, you can discover the truth about your own life and the source of your strength." (C)
I also write an inspirational blog – RuAnCa
Member of the New Zealand Society of Authors (NZSA):
and have the following:-
My Tumblr page -
My inspirational facebook page -
World Wide Branding – VIP member -
Top Female Executives, Professionals & Entrepreneurs

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

The Frog and the Scorpion...!

The Frog and the Scorpion...!
Is there someone in your life that is toxic?
Take a minute or two to think about this question then read below:-
Once upon a time there was a scorpion who when reaching a fast flowing river asked a nearby frog, who was sunning himself on a lily pad, if he would help him to cross.
Of course the frog, who was not dumb, replied quite definitely, "Ha ha, do you think that I am that stupid of course not! You would just sting me as isn't that what scorpions do?"
The scorpion looked at the frog with amazement and told him, " Me! If I did that you would die and then we would both drown as I cannot swim!"
The scorpion was so very convincing that the frog agreed to carry him across the river on his back.  The scorpion then jumped onto the frogs back and off he swum. It was not long before they were halfway across the river when the scorpion up with his tail and STUNG the frog....
as the frog felt the scorpions poison flowing swiftly through his body he started to sink and feebly croaked, "Why did you sting me?. You promised that you wouldn't and now we will both die..."
The scorpion thought for a moment then lamented, "I couldn't help it... It's in my nature, it's just who I am!"
So many times in life we are around people, or a person, who, instead of lifting us up drag us down.  This might be intentional (jealousy,hatred,violence, bullying, lies, etc.,) or unintentional (negativity, thoughtlessness, secretive nature, etc.,) but, regardless of either, the presence of such aspects in your life becomes...
 toxic for your well-being...!
Toxic in the sense that personal growth is stunted, (whether it is either your self-esteem, physical or emotional well-being or all of these) and ultimately damages soul, spirit and body in some way.  Sadly, no matter how hard YOU try (whether it is making excuses, covering up, trying discussion, bending over backwards to appease or accepting of the wrong behaviour, etc.,) the other people, or person's, nature is inherent in them, so... they will continue to have the power to infect you in some way (if you continue to let them).
Their words, actions and behaviour will be toxic to your well-being unless they change! But... will they change, will they even be able to meet you half way or will it always be you that ends up sacrificing 'who you are' for them?
Yes... some issues within people can change, and often do with such things as soul-searching, counselling, teaching and the like but there are some things that cannot be taught thus, will not change, for example - you cannot teach someone to care or see from your-point-of-view if they can only see from theirs!  If they do not care they will not lift you up, if they cannot see from your point-of-view, will they even try to?  Think about that! And think about this - sooner or later their attitude, words and behaviour will end up pulling you down - polluting your environment, dreams, self-esteem and your very soul! Remember...
Attitude can make or break a dream while words can cut you down just as much as a physical beating just as behaviour will ultimately dictate the kind of trust and love you have!
toxic person within your life can be like a cancer spreading to all parts of your  - the physical, spiritual, emotional and mental - it will not stop if left unchecked and it will, in the end, finally overcome your essential YOU, unless, you have the courage to stop the flow of toxicity and step out!
Have the courage to ask yourself a very hard question:-
"Does this person (these people) belong in my life?"
 and if the answer is NO....
step out in courage and move to your own drum, if you do not then you will most probably end up losing the who you essentially are!
So make that choice today to take a chance to choose to change your life!
"Your journey will consist of many small steps and not one giant one—so step forwards in confidence and with courage towards your future." 
Be inspired to take a Chance to Choose to Change and listen to my Hay House Radio Interview:-
and check out the book trailer for my new inspirational book - "Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey" 
"Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey" is a book which entwines a collection of inspirational thoughts with a sequence of workbook entries. By spending time sharing the musings and then reviewing one’s own life, the reader of this guide for life’s journey can set out with determination to discover life’s deep truths. 
Musings of a Blogger shares the story of a boy who sees a butterfly struggling to emerge from its chrysalis. Desiring to help it, he releases the butterfly, only to discover that the struggle to break free is what gives strength to the butterfly’s wings. Absent the struggle, the butterfly is too weak to fly. The workbook gives shape to one’s struggle, serving to build strength so that one may fly gloriously like a healthy butterfly. By sharing this journey with the author, you can discover the truth about your own life and the source of your strength." (C)
My first inspirational book - 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey', (Published in 2016) is available through many on-line stores including the publishers Balboa Press:-
and all Amazonstores world wide:-
Refer to my website for more details:-
Inspirational blog – RuAnCa
Inspirational facebook page -
World Wide Branding – VIP member -
Top Female Executives, Professionals & Entrepreneurs -

Saturday, 9 July 2016

The Seasons within Your Life...!

The Seasons within Your Life...!
How precious the seasons are - not only the 'weather ones' but those seasons within our lives...
the Springs, Summers, Autumns and Winters...
the windy, sunny, dry and stormy times... as, they are all part of the circle of existence!
 Each season within our life (just as the seasons shape the world around us) shape our personal journey of life. If you are currently going through a dry or stormy season remember...
'Your journey will consist of many small steps and not one giant one, so step forwards in confidence and with courage towards your future' (C)
Ruth Anne Caukwell - extract from 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey'
Life is not always sunny,
life is not always full of clear and bright skies.
Often we tread wearily along each day wondering how and why...
but remember...
just as the world rotates unceasingly causing the wind, the rain and those storms elsewhere there are sunny skies, warms days and sunshine.
When it is night time at your place it is daytime some place else, so...even though the world rotates and brings the night time, the breaking dawn and day time will come!
Look to those sunny days when in winter and know that they will come...!
 My inspirational book ‘Musings of a Blogger – Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey’ will give you the tools to be able to help yourself find a way to deal with those 'wintery times' in your life and as you immerse yourself within its pages, you will come to realize just how much choices,  circumstances and people influence your life, both in negative and positive ways.
This is great news though as AWARENESS is the key...
awareness that we all have a choice no matter how hard life is, a choice to step out from the darkness and set your wings in an upwards tilt to fly above the storm.  If you cannot do it alone, that is okay, ask and take help and ultimately, when you are ready, you will choose to step out and beyond the shadow of the pain, hardship... others... because you CAN do it... we all can - I know from personal experience that it will happen!
Read my book and work through the workbook utilizing the tools that are applicable for you, you will learn, realize and begin a journey of self-discovery. You will start to recognize that within yourself is a wonderful, unique human being, and through perseverance, you will find your true self again—your own authentic self
How wonderful is that?
Below is the link to my Radio interview on Hay Radio...
Listen to my story and what my book is about (it will only take a few minutes) - make that CHOICE as it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
‘Musings of a Blogger – Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey’ 
* Chapter two -'The stoppers in our lives' and chapter 12 of the workbook
* Chapter three - 'What is fear' and chapter 13 of the workbook
* Chapter four - 'Embrace change' and chapter 14 of the workbook
* Chapter six - 'Challenging your though patterns' and chapter 16 of the workbook
* Chapter seven - 'The Masks We Wear' and chapter 17 of workbook and,
* Chapter 10 - 'Choices, chances and changes' and chapter 20 of the workbook.
Musings is available from many on-line stores and in bookshops in New Zealand (Plus, refer to my website for further details of where else it is available) 
or all Amazon stores
I write an inspirational blog – RuAnCa
My Tumblr page -
My inspirational facebook page -
World Wide Branding – VIP member -
Top Female Executives, Professionals & Entrepreneurs -

Friday, 8 July 2016

How Can You Run On Empty?

How can you run on Empty?
There was once a young man who challenged his father to a duel and he proudly boasted that he would win!
"If I win Dad, which I will, you will have to do the lawns for a week?' he laughingly told his father.
"Hmm, we'll see," was all his father replied as even though he was the elder of the two he was the more wiser.
There was some land which needed clearing for planting so the competition was to see who could chop down the most trees in a single day.
The son went 'gun-hoe' chopping down trees spending eight hours without barely a break - at the end of the day his total was twenty-five! 
The father took it far more slowly and every hour had a ten minute break - at the end of the day his total was forty trees!
His son was shocked that he had lost to his father, an older man who stopped and rested.
"How is this possible Dad?" he asked in amazement...
"Well son. Every hour for ten minutes I did two things...
rested and recharged my batteries before sharpening my axe!
Are you like the son... 
Or are you like the father?
To have success in your life, whether it is with your:
spiritual well-being
dreams and goals
or ...
you need to do two things:
1. Take time out for rest and renewal of your bodymind and soul as..
no one, not even the most strongest of people, can give, give, give without eventually burning themselves out.
Each of us needs to STOP and take time out in order to be able refuel...
you service your car, clean your house, etc., so why do you neglect to do so with your most precious asset - YOURSELF?
2. You need to stay alert and sharp as...
when you are dull mistakes are made, tiredness takes over and negativity sets in, everyday things seem to loom large and life seem to hard - this is when sickness of mind, body and soul can occur...
Those quiet, restful minutes each day WILL BE your LIFESAVER  as what is depleted by everyday living needs to be restored!
So, rest, relax, refuel and sharpen your very essence!
Stop to take a breath, a breath of each new dawn.
Stop to take a breath and make it part of you.
Yes stop to take a breath for if you do, you will find strength.
Stand quietly, relax and feel the dawning sun renew your spirit!
Then and only then you will be able to spend time finding out who you really are.... your authentic self!
My new inspirational book 
'Musings of a Blogger – Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey
will help you realize your authenticity and find out who you are
* Refer to chapter 6, 'Challenging your thought patterns' and chapter 16 of the workbook and,
* Refer to chapter 10 in 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey' - 'Choices, chances and changes' and chapter 20 of the workbook 
Below is the file of my interview...
Listen to my story and what my book is about (it will only take a few minutes) - make that CHOICE as it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
Hay House Radio - 
My book is available to purchase through on-line storesbooks shops (here in Christchurch - more coming on board) and from myself.
Check out my website – for details of where to buy!
‘Musings of a Blogger – Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey’- (Published in 2016) is available through Balboa Press:-
and all Amazon stores - 
I write an inspirational blog – RuAnCa
My Tumblr page -
My inspirational facebook page -
World Wide Branding – VIP member -
Top Female Executives, Professionals & Entrepreneurs -