What does the New Year Mean to You...?
H = Happiness
Happiness depends upon YOU and the outlook that you have on life...
A = Attitude
A good positive Attitude is one of the most important aspects you can have as you live and cope each day...
P = Passion
Passion and a zest for life will make your life AMAZING!
So Seek and find yours this year...
P = Positive thoughts
Positive thoughts make those hard times easier to bare and the happy ones fantastic so cultivate a positive spirit in your life now...
A YOU that is unique, wonderful, talented in your own special way, so realize andfind them and use them this year...
N - New
New beginnings from this day forth so live in the future and do not hold onto the past...
E = Enthusiasm
Enthusiasm is an amazing thing as it boosts up a spirit and pushes you along. It is the secret of true success in everything you do so, start to be enthusiastic about the smallest of things and just let it grow...
Yes the WOW that life brings! Have that wow factor in all of your life - your thinking, words and actions - and feel the difference each day...
Y = Years
Yes another new Year is starting for you and how quickly it will go onto the next and the next so...
live a positive and fulfilled life for the days, the months and the years are so precious - once gone they are gone never to return...
E = Energy
The pulse and the Energy of ALL life around you is just part of yourself so, tap into this Energy and make it YOURS too...
A = Appreciation
Appreciation of ALL life, both the minute and the giant, the insect to the Elephant, the young and the old, the sea to the sky and the rivers to the mountains - ALL of life as,
Their life is your life so do not take it for granted...
R = Responsibility
Responsibility to be part of this living planet and make it part of yourself, look after it - its people, its land, its animals, its beauty and yourself.
None of us stand apart from life but we ALL are each one thread of its web.
Whatever we do to the web of life we do to ourselves as just as the spider connects each strand so does each of our lives connect with all others!
Today, the 1st of January 2016 is a start of another year just as each 1st of January of every year past has started that year but...
make this year different - be who you are and take care of yourself while looking out for others!
Spread your kindness, your truth and your love - make 2016 the turning point towards what life is meant to be - You can make a difference just as I can too!
Happy New Year to my family, friends, colleagues and strangers I have not meet!
written in love - Ruth Anne
My an inspirational blog – RuAnCa http://ruanca.blogspot.co.nz
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My ebooks – https://amazon.com/Ruth-Anne-Caukwell/e/
World Wide Branding – VIP member -http://www.worldwidebranding.com/Ruth%20Anne-Caukwell