A couple of weeks ago I went for a drive and during one of my stops an amazing sight caught my eye. Behind some trees and half falling fence was a broken-down rambling old house.
It had broken windows,
ragged curtains flapping in the breeze.
A tree growing out of the cracked roof and
vines entwined all over its wall.
The paths were covered over and the veranda sagging and rotten.
A child's discolored ball was lying not far from a broken trike,
both almost lost in the long unkempt grass
As I stood there awed by such a sight I listened to the soft silence while the cool breeze touched my face,
I could hear distant footsteps and children playing as their laughter was carried away by the wind.
What was that?
Ah, yes it was their mother calling - "Hellen, Tommy, time for dinner so come on in and wash your hands!"
Ah, yes there in the distance, was their father, wiping his brow before slowly walking home!
Their's was a family of love and closeness even though hardships were just part of life.
As the breeze got up I pulled my coat closer and blinked to stop the grit from going into my eyes. I now heard only silence and saw no figures there at all, for, whoever lived there had lived there so very long ago.
Who lived there?
Why did they leave and where were they now?
The children - how many where there and where did they go?
What was their legacy - their hopes and their dreams - how many had they nurtured and how many were achieved?
Yes, what legacies had they left behind for others to see -
had they been just like the house, broken down and forgotten or,
had they been wonderful, ongoing and part of their future.
Sadly I would never know, and as I walked quietly away the lasting impression left within me was one of poignancy and wonder as to what lives had been lived there and why so little remained!
What LEGACY are you leaving behind as the day is coming to a close.
Is it one of heartbreak and broken dreams?
Do you take bitterness into the night and on towards the next day?
Do you moved from one place to another in an attempt to rid yourself of the pain and the hurt?
do you say, "Enough is enough!' and are attempting to break that cycle of negativity and despair!
Our life is a Journey, a Journey of Life,
and the paths that we take might be filled with some peace or some strife!
But, it is in the living that our legacy will remain,
will your life be filled with regrets and remorse - looking backwards not forwards,
will it be lived looking forwards to the future with hope, love and leaving no stain?
Realize that no one can do it for you for it is up to you what legacy you leave,
is it one of happiness and laughter hopes or will the impression left behind make other people grieve?
Decide today what path you will take as each day once gone leaves some kind of trace!
No matter what life throws at you do you, at the end of each day, want that day's legacy to define who you are? Do you want it to be just like that shell of a house;- cracked windows, overgrown with weeds and full of unrealized dreams?
Or, do you take your adversities and grasp them by the hand before, throwing them up high and letting the wind blow them away? Do you decide to leave a legacy of strength and personal choice where you step out from what is dragging you down and CHOOSE to live your life in a positive happy way!
My hope is for you is to CHOOSE to live your life in a way that each day leaves a legacy of love, hope, kindness and strength. Life can at times be very difficult but it is in those adversities that you can find yourself and know just how great you are!
Written in love