Wednesday, 18 February 2015

The Beauty of Age

The Beauty of Age
I saw a wonderful thing happen the other day which made me realize that in among all the hurt and pain in the world there is goodness and love.
I had stopped at a crossing to let an elderly woman, on a walker, make her way to the other side when the wheel of it got stuck. She tried in vain to get it untangled and as there was a lot of traffic behind me of course there were honks (from impatient drivers). Not far off was a bus stop and a number of people were there waiting for the bus - upon realising the elderly woman's predicament a young man in jeans and untidy hair came to her rescue.  Not only did he untangle the wheel from the kerb but he also helped her across the road! Once I had moved on I saw, in my rear view mirror, a bus arrive and then leave - the young man was on the other side so hopefully it was not his bus!
Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness.
Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.
Scott Adams
I thought of the many instances I had heard of, read about and seen where elderly people have been mistreated, abused and often ignored. Many of these people have been living with relatives who either force them to do all the housework, take their money or abuse them mentally if not physically!
One particular case I read about was a middle aged woman who befriended an elderly, lonely man and after gaining his trust, she gradually stole thousands of dollars from him over months of so-called friendship,
We hear of the elderly being neglected in homes, either by staff or their own family who never visit them,
Sadly abuse happens even in everyday life. How many times when you are shopping or taking an elderly person out, people who serve you talk over them and treat them as if they do not exist even if they are the person buying or wanting the service! I have experienced this with my own mum, who is a young vibrant, incredible and independent woman even if her years are getting up there - I make sure that the people who treat mum as if she was not there have to acknowledge her as a person in her own right!
You look at me and see only the wrinkles, the white hair and tired eyes.
You look at me and see 'old and useless' written all over my face.
You look at me as if I am worthless now that my years have passed yours by!
I look at you and see what I once was and where I am now.
I look at you and remember, remember all those hopes and dreams.
I look at you and see your future, and, it is one with mine -
with wrinkled brow and shuffling feet.
I look at you and see how I feel - young inside and full of youth!
To ignore another, no matter who they are or what their age, creed or sex is, denying that person and negating their existence - they are part of the whole and should be acknowledged and respected!
with only one wing and we can only fly by embracing one another
Luciano de Crescenzo
 When I was a small child we had an elderly friend, who was in his 90's and we would sit around him engrossed when he would tell about his life. He was born in the1890's and had so many experiences to convey about his early years as a surveyor in pioneer New Zealand. He was incredible and still went deep sea fishing with his wife, who was in her late 80's - and often mum - but sadly his family was not interested in his 'stories'. When he died nothing had been written down so all his memories/life experiences were lost. Sadly his story is indicative of many.
Youth is so very impatient, they see old age as useless and past their prime.
But what you see young man is so very different from who I am, for,
I am as ageless as the mountains and as I look into the future I see something you do not see!
I see you growing old too, just like me!
So I turn to you and say, "Hey young man, wisdom is the gift of old age and you will attain it too!"
 Another experience that I have had with an elderly person being mistreated is when living in Australia. We had some friends who 'looked' after the woman's father and yes, he had a lovely granny flat, food to eat and clothing to wear but no-one spent time with him, listened to his stories or conversed with him on a regular basis. He was basically overlooked in the daily 'rush' of the others living in the house and would sit on the patio staring out to space - everyday. This lovely man had so much to give and tell as he lived during the first world war, fought in the second, experienced the depression and the ensuing years during the 1960's, cold war. When mum and I left Australia he was still alive (well into his 90's) but we heard that not long after we arrived in New Zealand he had died. Whenever we visited his face would light up when we sat with him, asking questions and soaking up his wonderful life. His daughter would often say:-
"I can't believe how Dad perks up when you guys come visit."
This woman really did not realize what the family were doing to him even when we, tactfully, tried to make her see that he only needed some time spent with them and, to be listened to and valued.
So dear friends, please be aware of our older people and how we treat them either consciously or unconsciously:-
 - respect their age and wisdom,
 - respect the fact that they came before us, came before us to pave the way for future life, for our children and grandchildren and,
 - remember we too will age and would we want to be ignored, made to feel useless, worthless, be disrespected and mistreated as some older people are?
Let us look at what is inside a person, they need to be accepted for who they are NOT what they look like. White hair and wrinkles are not who they are - they still have their place in the world they still have purpose and worth and so,let us respect their age and what they represent. Do NOT ignore them AS, REMEMBER you too will be old one day!
Age is a matter of feeling not of years
`Washington Irving
When I first started teaching one little boy kept staring at me and finally, after about two weeks, asked me this,
"You're very old aren't you?"
Of course I laughed as I knelt down beside him and replied, "Oh Thomas, yes I am older than you but not that old. You know you will be my age one day!" 
"Oh," he said in a whisper looking at me with huge eyes, "will I?" 
"Hmm, yes one day"
"So," he replied, very serious, "that means we will be the same age then?"
"Not quite Thomas, I will be older than you."
"Oh," he replied again," will you be old like my Nan and have grey hair and lines and... and have a stick!"
"Well... yes I suppose that I will."
"Oh well then," he said and bent over to give me a hug, " I will still love you just as much as I love my Nan!, even if you are old!"                          
This incident has always stayed with me as it shows us just how, as young children, we do not have the bias' that, unfortunately, as we grow older learn, or take on board (due the influences of others and society).
 Blessed be our children who see through unscathed eyes.
Blessed be our children who laugh and love with us.
Blessed be our children who are the hero's of tomorrow life.
Blessed be our children who accept the young and old alike
as, their acceptance of everyone is part of their delight.
They are the piece of heaven, that bit that should be part of us but sadly, as we get older, it begins to turn to dust.
We start to learn and take on board what society does imbue and, alas, so will our blessed children they will start to too
My hope today is that we all look around us and just realize that no matter how old the person walking beside you, towards you, living next door and the stranger you will meet tomorrow, is, that you treat them with the dignity and respect they deserve. The dignity and respect that you yourself would want to be treated with - my hope is that all children never learn to 'see' age with adult eyes but keep their childlike awe of those wrinkles and white hair always!


My first inspirational book - 'Musings of a Blogger - Inspirational Thoughts for Your Life's Journey', (Published in 2016) is available through Balboa Press:-

and Amazon

I write an inspirational blog – RuAnCa
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Top Female Executives, Professionals & Entrepreneurs

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Somewhere in the world tonight....

Today is another beautiful sunny day and as I look out into the sunshine the fluffy clouds are rolling high up in the sky, the birds are pecking and tweeting while going about their own business and the flowers in the garden are soaking up the sunshine - we need rain but oh, how nice it is to have these sunny days.

As I watch the natural world go by my mind turns to those people I have meet, chattered to and learned about in the past few days - all from different walks of life and some in places I have never been to! How amazing that here I am in Christchurch doing what I am doing while others are somewhere else doing what they are doing either through wanting to or by necessity - it reminds me of the song sung by Altiyan Childs, 'Somewhere in the world' and it goes like this:

                                                    Somewhere in the world tonight
                                                               there's no fighting,
                                                   Somewhere in the world tonight
                                            someone's falling in love for the first time.
                                                          I believe there is a place
                                              where fear is finally waving goodbye
                                                  Somewhere in the world tonight
                                                           everything is alright!

                                                Somewhere in the world tonight
                                                            there's no crying,
                                                Somewhere in the world tonight
                                                someone's holding their first child.
                                                         I believe there is a place
                                           where the truth can outshine all of the lies
                                                    Somewhere in the world tonight
                                                           everything is alright!

                                                       So take me there oh yeah
                                                     can you take me there, yeah.

                                                  Somewhere in the world tonight
                                                        there's no indifference,
                                                 Somewhere in the world tonight
                                                          everyone has a voice.
                                                        I believe there is a place
                                           where rich and poor can walk side-by-side
                                                   Somewhere in the world tonight
                                                         everything is alright!

                                                          Take me there, oh yeah
                                                                    take me there.

                                                 Somewhere in the world tonight
                                                                there's no hiding,
                                                 Somewhere in the world tonight
                                                     someone's leading the way.

                                                        Take me there, oh yeah
                                                                 take me there
                                                Somewhere in the world tonight
                                                           everything is alright!

Such telling lyrics and, oh so true, for no matter who we are, where we are and what our circumstances are there is always others in the complete reverse: some are living while some dying; some celebrating while some mourning; some are marrying while some are divorcing; some are rich while some are in poverty and; the list goes on and on. We all live differently and in different ways therefore experience life as we see it through our own eyes but, in whatever situation we find ourselves we cannot forget others less fortunate than us.

One lady I have met is helping poverty stricken abondoned and divorced women in India, she is no billionaire like Ms Gates or has the opportunities of other philantropists but, she works hard and gives what she can - and to the ladies that she is helping she is a life-saver! 

We do not need to scale mountains, build the highest tower or donate millions to be able to help those in need instead we only need to stretch out a helping hand: a smile if that is all you can manage, can save a life; baking a cake to take to an elderly neighbour; a donation or sponsoring a child; offering your services free of charge for someone who has lost their job - if we all did one small thing a day or, even a week, times that by the number of people in your street, your town, your city, your country what a difference it would make. So, my friends do be encouraged to help someone today and why not spread the word to your neighbour, work colleague, boss, the check-out operator!
Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.
John Wesley
If that means helping someone over the road, taking in your elderly neighbours rubbish bins, etc., that is enough as it would be a light shining out, a beacon of kindness and more than they had before!

And so my friends
                                                              May you use your gifts
                                                                to be the best person
                                                                       you can be.

                                                              May your life be
                                                         a shining example to others
                                                         and a source of pride
                                                         to those who love you.

                                                     May you be blessed with peace,
                                                  happiness, prosperity, and success
                                                   today and in all the days to come.
                                                                 Jason Blume
Enjoy your day
Ruth C

Sunday, 8 February 2015

What is Life?

The circle of Life?

As a garland is a circle of beautiful flowers, so too should your life be. Fashion your days, months and years just as a garland, but one made up of not only flowers but include lots of beautiful deeds!

 Kindness, laughter, generosity, truth, forgiveness, acceptance, understanding and love - these are just some of those beautiful deeds I am speaking of... try using some of these today and just see what they can do to your circle of life!
What is the circle of Life?

This is a question every one of us has asked at some point in our lives and we all seek to find the answers - but are there any and if so what are they? There are many who seek the meaning of life through religion, science, or in whatever means that they feel will fulfil, or answer, this question!

So, what is this circle of Life?

Life is different to each one of us and the answers we seek can be simple if we only look to ourselves, look inwards, within...

In life there is only what you know - not only of the world and how it functions but the secret life within ourselves as well. Our senses and what we see go to make up our whole being.

The past weekend, for me, was Life!

The weather was so lovely and warm, a cool breeze and sunny skies. I went for a drive on Saturday in the country, stopped off for lunch in a quaint cafe (glorious food) and then made my way home. The countryside was very dry but the sights to see were amazing - vivid green trees, country lanes, sheep sheltering from the sun under huge trees, cattle grazing in the pastures even saw Alpacas and goats (lots of these types of farms around Christchurch). There was no hustle and bustle and on the country lanes there was only the odd car (until nearing home on the motorway). The blue sky was bright with no clouds and the falcons were out in the clear air looking for some prey.

What a glorious reprieve from day-to-day life - for me this is part of my circle Life!

But for you it is something else - so, JUST WHAT is your CIRCLE OF LIFE?

 On Sunday mum and I went to the Christchurch Botanical Gardens, sat in the sun having morning tea, moved onto the museum where we had lunch watching, from the top floor, all the people enjoying this beautiful oasis (in a city with much vacant land and broken buildings) before continuing our walk.  On our walk we saw a mother bird, a Fantail, flitting here-and-there gathering insects for her two tiny, fluffy chicks - it was an amazing sight. Here were two baby birds trustingly perched up high, waiting and knowing that they would be fed and cared for. There was also a beautiful Thrush but sadly it's leg had been broken! It seemed fine and was hopping around on the ground eagerly awaiting crumbs, from our morning tea - it had adapted to its injury and was carrying on fending for itself. We then saw a child in a wheel chair, her mother pushing her around the gravel paths - she was laughing joyously pointing out the many sights to see, there was an old lady with a stick sitting with her husband - they had a thermos, cups and a picnic baskets.

There were many others out and about feeling the beauty of the day, experiencing the circle of Life, each in their own way.

This is just what Life is - we each have our own!

What is the circle of Life?

It can be found in the daisy hiding in the grass, and the swift bird high up above.
Life is the moon shining down upon us from the nigh time sky and the fallen snow upon the trees. It is the sunlit grove where tiny animals hide and the wonderous world where we abide.

So, go and experience your Circle of Life, experience it in YOUR OWN WAY
TASTE IT AND ENJOY IT THROUGH YOUR OWN EYES as let us ALL remember that each of us has a different dream within us so, live and follow it to the full!

Enjoy forming and living your very own Circle of Life my friends – Ruth

Follow my inspirational blog – RuAnCa

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Long awaited 'An Anthology of Three Women 2'

Hello to all

today in Christchurch has been hot - 30+ degrees!! This summer we have had such beautiful weather and it is as if I am still in Brisbane during the summer!

People have been asking me when my 'An Anthology of Three Women 2' is going to be published as an ebook on Amazon! Well the wait is nearly over as I have just sent my material away to be looked at and processed (so to speak) so, not long now friends - I will let you all know.

My 'An Anthology of Three Women 2' continues on from ‘An Anthology of Three Women’ in that it is again compiled of three separate stories, The Dove, The Defenceless and The Nobody.  Each short story involves a different woman as they journey through an adversity – one who faces and comes to terms with a death of a child; one who experiences and becomes triumphant in the face of bullying and; a lost teenager who chooses a downward trail of destruction as a means of coping with her changing life.

Heartbreak and powerful emotions are pivotal to the plots of each story with the characters facing not only their demons but issues that women throughout the world face daily. Seemingly unthinkable tragedy has shaped their lives, either over time or within a snapshot, changing them forever.  Anticipation moves the reader along as the fast-moving narrative captures their imagination with each character, each journey and each moving conclusion leaving a lasting impression.  

So friends it would be great to have your continued support in both buying, reading and recommending my ebooks to those you know!

Just a thought for today -
To win in life requires three things -
 1.       YOU MUST START!
Many of us are stuck in the starting blocks waiting for someone to get us going - STEP OUT AND DO IT!
Do not settle for mediocracy at any stage of your life and,
If you fall pick yourself up and go forard confidently with your head held high

so, go my friends, go forward with confidence in your ability and capability that you CAN do anything!
